Just some general help needed

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#1   Just some general help needed
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moobacca has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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Im pretty new to PHPnuke, and im trying to get this stuff fixed for my guild's website. Ive spent countless hours trying to iron out the bugs, and im about to have an annurism, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

First off, here is the site: [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

2 things on the main page, the donations block, and the forum scroll block. Both have black text in them, and i cant figure out how to change it. Ive messed around with the css files, and cant find where to change that specific text.

next, the forums, same problem. THe colors are very bad, and i cant figure out how to change the colors.

Also, is there a way to get a block for external links? something that i can just have links in, not modules?

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#2   re: Just some general help needed
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floppydrivez has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Here is a very simple block for links. Make a file named block-links.php and paste this code inside. Upload it to your blocks folder and activate it.

#### Generated by Block Creator by Disipal Site (www.disipal.net) ###
if (eregi("block-Block_Creator.php",$PHP_SELF)) {
    Header("Location: index.php");
$content  =  "<a href=\"http://www.yourlink.com\">Your Link #1</a>";
$content  .= "a href=\"http://www.yourlink2.com\">Your Link #2</a>";
$content  .= "a href=\"http://www.yourlink3.com\">Your LInk #3</a>";

If you want another link add this on line 10, should look like this now
$content  .= "a href=\"http://www.yourlink4.com\">Your Link #4</a>";

I think your text problem is in your .css, almost sure of it. Might wanna post it in a zip let us take a look.

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#3   re: Just some general help needed
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About the color problem, you may have to go into the block's code and create a class for the text, then go into the theme you are using and open up the main CSS file that particular theme uses. Then create the overall class for the text, and select what color you want to use and what not.

I haven't worked with Nuke in a while, but, I think you can go into the block's code and just put in a
<font color="CoLoR HeRe">TEXT HERE</font>

But I'd just make a class for it, put it in the CSS, and add the class to the block.

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#4   re: Just some general help needed
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moobacca has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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ok, here are the CSS pages from my site.

wow10 is the CSS for the phpnuke theme im using, found in /nukeroot/themes/wow10

forums, forums2, and wow7 were all found in the /nukeroot/themes/wow10/forum/ directory

and autothemestyle is from /nukeroot/themes/autotheme/style

i dunno what css is for what.. i am so lost.
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#5   re: Just some general help needed
CZ Addict
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floppydrivez has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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I looked at wowstyle10.css and I am not very good with .css files, my advice to you is to change #000000 to #FFFFFF in a few obvious places to see if any results appear. Follow these simple steps.

1st. Make a backup and hide it icon_wink.gif
2nd. Change #000000 to #FFFFFF once at a time. Then upload till you find desired results, if you find the change needed. Find your backup and make the one change and upload.

I am sorry I am not much help here, a big .css noob. I am sure there is an easier way, but thats the best I can do.

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#6   re: Just some general help needed
CZ Addict
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floppydrivez has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Oh yeah here is that .css file if anyone else wants to give it a look.
   background-color: #000000;
th,td,p{font:11px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}

a { color: rgb(0, 51, 102); text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; }
a:link { color: rgb(0, 51, 102); text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; }
a:visited { color: rgb(96, 37, 21); text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; }
a:active { color: rgb(198, 0, 0); }
a:hover { color: rgb(198, 0, 0); }

   font:11px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   font:11px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   background-color: #D8B87B;

/* Gets rid of the need for border="0" on hyperlinked images */

input.button { background:#D8B87B;font-size:11px;color:#000000;
border:1px solid; border-color:#707070 #000000 #000000 #707070 }

/* General font families for common tags */
font { font:11px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}
textarea{color:#000000;font:11px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color: #D8B87B;}
.summ1 {padding: 5px;   background-image: url(../images/summback.jpg); color:#000000;
   border-width: 1px 0px 1px 0px;

.left1 {background-image: url(../images/blockheader.jpg);   background-repeat: no-repeat;   color: #FFFFFF;   font-weight: bold;   padding-left: 8px;}
.center1 {   background-image: url(../images/wow10center_02.jpg);   background-repeat: repeat-x;   color: #d0a700;   font-weight: bold;}
.center2 {background-image: url(../images/wow10center_04.jpg);}
.center3 {background-image: url(../images/wow10center_05.jpg);font-family: tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4;}
.center4 {background-image: url(../images/wow10center_06.jpg);}
.center5 {background-image: url(../images/wow10center_08.jpg);}

.header1 {background-image: url(../images/wow10_02.jpg);}
.mainarea {   background-image: url(../images/wow10_06.jpg);}

h1, h2, h3 {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}

.summtitle{ font-family: palatino,georgia,times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt; color: rgb(100, 9, 9); }
.summtitle a:link {font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;color: rgb(100, 9, 9);}
.summtitle a:visited {font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;color: rgb(100, 9, 9);}
.summtitle a:active {font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;color: rgb(100, 9, 9);}
.summtitle a:hover {font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;color: rgb(198, 0, 0);}

.footertop {
   background-image: url(../images/cellpic2.jpg);
.footerbod {
   background-color: #202221;
.mainleft {
   background-image: url(../images/wow10_04.jpg);margin-right:5px;}
.mainright {
   background-image: url(../images/wow10_08-09.jpg);
.mainleft2 {
   background-image: url(../images/wow10_05.jpg);
.mainright2 {
   background-image: url(../images/wow10_08.jpg);
span { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; line-height: 140%; }
b { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; }
.white { color: white; }
small { font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: normal; }
.leftblock {margin-right:4px;}
.newstext{ font-family: tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4;}
.left2 {
   padding: 5px;
   background-repeat: repeat-y;
.left2 a:link, .left2 a:active, .left2 a:visited{ color:#E2BD00;}
.left2 a:hover { color: rgb(198, 0, 0); }

.rightblock {margin-left:4px;}
.right2 {padding: 5px; color:#FFFFFF;}
.right2 a:link, .right2 a:active, .right2 a:visited{ color:#E2BD00;}
.right2 a:hover { color: rgb(198, 0, 0); }
.right1 {background-image: url(../images/blockheader.jpg);   background-repeat: no-repeat;   color: #d0a700;   font-weight: bold;   padding-left: 8px;}
.label { font-size: 11px; color: #FFFFFF; }
.rightback {   background-image: url(../images/wow10_rightback.jpg);}
.content a:link,.content a:active,.content a:visited {color:#E2BD00;}

input a:link,input a:active,input a:visited {color:#E2BD00;}
.right2 .content{color: #FFFFFF;}
.mainarea .content a:link {color:#000000;}
.mainarea .content a:visited {color:#000000;}
.mainarea .content a:active {color:#000000;}
.left2 .content {color:#E2BD00;}
.left2 .content a:link, .left2 .content a:active, .left2 .content a:visited{ color:#E2BD00;}
.left2 .content a:hover { color: rgb(198, 0, 0); }

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#7   re: Just some general help needed
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moobacca has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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yeah i changed every instance of #000000 to #FFFFFF in there, and it didnt change the black text im talking about. I think the problem may be that THOSE certain blocks of text dont have a class of their own, so they arent in the CSS file. I have no idea how to fix that though,

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the forum scroll block where did you get that? Is there black text anywhere else?

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#9   re: Just some general help needed
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If you changed every instance of #000000 to #FFFFFF, and it didn't work, then you need to do this. I'll try to help as much as possible, but, I haven't done this for atleast a year lol. Bare with me here. I also don't know the coding for the donations or forums block, so again bare with me here.

Ok, so we know what your CSS looks like. Let's try to add a class to the layout's CSS and see if we can't change the text in your blocks. To add a class to the block itself you need to do this: (I don't know the code for the forums block, so you're going to have to tinker with it, you need to place this in a regular HTML tag inside the php where the variables are for the Total Topics, Posts, and that stuff. It's really confusing, I know lol. If you can post the .zip I could change it myself, or, you can read on and try to edit it.

So to add a class to a certain text, you will do it like this:
<font class="SomethingYouMakeUp">PHP Code Stuff Here</font>

A class name can be anything at all, like, pumpkin, purplekitty, wallet. Whatever. I'd suggest naming that class to something like 'forumblock'. Now, in your CSS file for your main template you're using, simply add this line of code:
.forumblock {font-color: #FFFFFF; }

Be sure to add that period in there. And viola! You have made a class, and once you upload the updated CSS file that text should be white, or, whatever color you want. The same goes for the donation block, you can make the class name whatever you want, just make sure you add the class ID to the block itself, and it'll link up and work. This should solve your problems.

This is really really long, sorry about that. If you still don't get it, send the forum block over in a .zip and I'll get it taken care of for ya icon_cool.gif

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