Marking please

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#1   Marking please
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tink2742 has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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We are a new league but not new to myleague. I am co ha for my league and we have claimed a bowling room. Well the league who has it marked(not in cases) has not ran a tour in there since October 22nd of this year. Well they came in there...someone who was not an admin mind you....saying they only have to host once every 30days...I thought it was 12 or 15 days and if no tour in specific room then that room was up for grabs....I know there is a rule that your league has to host at least once every 30 days to prevent your league from being deleted....but I thought the room time frame was 12 or 15 days to host in that room or it was up for grabs....can someone tell me which is true....I have read and read and can't find the answer. Thank you in advance icon_biggrin.gif

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#2   re: Marking please
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The rule is: Once every 30 days so that your league DOESN't get deleted. That part is true however, if the room is being used only that often then email the HA of that league and ask for a room share. If they refuse, contact Get Support ( link in admin menu ) and explain the situation. Meanwhile, get screenshots of that league's calendar to showas proof but do not send that in to support until asked to do so.

BUT, if as you mentioned, this league is NOT associated with Case's, then you are free to "share" and use the room without any share agreement.

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tink2742 has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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They are a myleague league....however their room has not been marked through case b/c they lack the members to do so. They only have 18 people and as I said have not hosted in there since the 22nd of October.

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#4   re: Marking please
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ok, then you would be best served to follow what I outlined but also remember that there is a difference between "marking" a room and "claiming" a room.

Marking a room doesnt mean squat, it's whoever was there first is the most impt rule and therefore that league has "claim" over the room. There are, as this case is, alternatives to be able for your league to have a shared claim on the room. icon_mrgreen.gif

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