Personal Thread for Personal Help on PHP Nuke

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#1   Personal Thread for Personal Help on PHP Nuke
CZ Active Member
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Okay, this thread is going to be questions, questions, and questions from me. First, I'm trying to figure out how to edit things in each blocks.
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I got it to be named NAVIGATION, but I've been trying over and over to be able to add links, text or button, in this block.


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#2   re: Personal Thread for Personal Help on PHP Nuke
CZ Newbie
hedgehogg has been a member for over 18 year's 18 Year Member
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Not the hottest on php but I know my way around my own site.

Take a look @ mine and tell me if any of the blocks do what it is you need and I will let you have the code or an answer if i know it icon_smile.gif
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#3   re: Personal Thread for Personal Help on PHP Nuke
CZ Active Member
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I like that site layout. What theme is that and where is it available? I'm working on PHP Nuke and someone says Platinum is more secure. I think Platinum cost money and I dont have that. PHP Nuke for now until people decide to constribute to the site.

While I wait for replies, I take the time to teach myself and explore. I discovered that blocks added can not be editted, the codes, so I have to add a new block to replace the current block for updated content, etc.

I did a fix on the template that I have on there as default and got a block to appear on the right side.

One thing that I'm not happy about is the top logo is split into two. I wish there is a way to make it as one whole. I reallly do not want the center to become shorter in width when people dont have the window at maximize.

I want to know if it is possible to open the links on the left side, from a specific block, in the center and that the center adjusts on the height, base on the page height. If that is not possible, then how do I create a whole new page with the contents I want in the middle when people click on the links. For example, clicking on Pool, then the list of Pool rooms show up in the center. However way, please help me on that.

I'm doing a login method differently from the one on [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] , which at that site, people login each time they enter a room. For [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] , there will be a block for Yahoo login and I'm trying to decide if I should have the Yahoo homepage hidden in a frame or iframe somewhere on the site. After they login from there or login on Yahoo before coming to the site, then when they click on a room to bring up the screen, all they do is choose Profile ID from drop down list to enter room.

I use HTML frames to hide the frames of applet, ads, and logo from Yahoo and only the room is visible. Confusing for you? I know. icon_razz.gif

For now, I just want to figure out how to load links from a specific block to bring up the page or content in the center. I figure that it would load the entire page with the info in the middle.

There is an un-neccessary login box that is on the upper left logo of the site and I want to remove that. I dont need that. I already have login for the site account on the right side.

I just wish I could use one big logo that says Xtreme Backdoors instead of the two split logos that I can not do anything about. I have the Photoshop files for the two split logos.

I cant think of anything else. I'm tired. I busted my arse getting a league's tourney count up to 40. ~yawnz~

I'm trying to make a backdoor site that is impressive, reliable, easy to work with, users customization, etc. I'll even have a matching forum theme, etc.

Thanks for helping me thru this and I will give you credit for this, just as I'm going to give CodezWiz, Kelly, Taut, Teli the credit for helping me over the years, which led from one thing to another. Here I am, altho late, but better late than never, finally learning PHP Nuke.


[ Register or login to view links on this board. ] Xtreme Backdoors starting with Yahoo Games. A project in progress. Unique features include Auto Log-Out to log into rooms smoothly, ads-free lobby, memberships, goodies for leagues, personal interaction, and more. Check out the site and share your ideas/suggestions with me.
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#4   re: Personal Thread for Personal Help on PHP Nuke
CZ Active Member
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I added a block, INTERNET RADIO, and I entered...

<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

It showed the graphic in the editor, but when I finialized it all by adding the block to the system, the graphic does not appear. It is blank space.


[ Register or login to view links on this board. ] Xtreme Backdoors starting with Yahoo Games. A project in progress. Unique features include Auto Log-Out to log into rooms smoothly, ads-free lobby, memberships, goodies for leagues, personal interaction, and more. Check out the site and share your ideas/suggestions with me.
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