Problems with AOL ad banner and Cases Links

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#1   Problems with AOL ad banner and Cases Links
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Ok, Hi guys, I am not sure what kind of poblem this is, but I am almost possitive it is AOL related.

Before you go on to tell me I am a moron for using AOL ftp space and having AOL to begin with.

I know I know !! lol But I started our with AOL and it would take me 3 years to switch everything I have linked to them.

Anyhow, today started a new problem with AOL and cases myleague page.

It just started happening today. I noticed there is a AOL banner across the entire top of every single page I have uploaded. When I visit the page on the web, it is there on top with an advertizement for

Now, if I had to live with the ad on the pages and that was it I guess I could live with it, but there is a bigger problem on the my league pages.

The left columns I have made, don't work anymore. Everytime I click a link on my customized left column, it goes to the AOL hometown page saying this page can't be found.

I noticed that when I click any link on the left column, the url starts with: [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] then has the actual url to the cases page that it suppose to go to.

So it appears, that aol is being recognized as the main, address and not cases myleague. Is there any way I can fix this other than switching everything over to another FTP?

I would really hate that , it would take me forever.

If you need more information please ask me, I tried to explain the best I could what is happening, and I took down the left columns on both my leagues for now, because no one could access the interior pages.

I even have the same AOL hometown banner and avertizement on the top of mylegaues main page.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance.... Dave

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#2   re: Ohhh AOL ya gotta Luv them
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Hi Dave,

Are your pages hosted on AOL? If so, it sounds like AOL is putting an ad at the top of all your hosted pages. Probably not much you can do about it except host your pages somewhere else.

As far as your left side pages go, the problem lies within your links. If you look at the URL for your links, do they look like this?
<a target=MAIN href=/php/page.php?p=search&t=myleague&lng=eng&l=LEAGUENAME&g=ac&svr=cgi12&pl=>

If so, there are two ways to fix it:

The first way is to look for this code near the top of your page:


Change it to:


or, go into each link and add "" in front of the /php so that it looks like this:

<a href=

Let me know if that helps.

Oh, and I won't say a word about AOL. I don't think I need to. icon_wink.gif

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#3   re: Ohhh AOL ya gotta Luv them
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Hi Kelly.

Thansl a bunch for your help, it did fix the links.

I already had the MAIN in the header and adding [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] to every link wasn't enough, I also had to add target=MAIN before every href on the links lol

What a mess lol

Anyhow, been doing some searching and it appears to have a blog on AOL Hometown ads being added to pages, people are crazy upse tover it and a few peeps have tried to work around it.

There is a deacon on the blog that says he found a way using a script.

Now he says it eliomiantes the ads if you add this exactly as he says.

I tried it and it appears to block my scroll bar , background and a fe wother things.

You think you could look at his post here and tell me, if this is valid and maybe I am doing it wrong?

Here is what he said in his post. Thanks a bunch in advance kelly icon_smile.gif

THE BOTTOM-LINE SOLUTION: My last two posts may have been confusing. Do this for all your pages:
In between the <head> and </head> tags, put the following:

<style type="text/css">
@media screen {
    body {visibility:hidden;}
    #showme {
        /* The number doesn't have to be 40, I just chose 40 in case AOL was using z-index */

Then right after the <body> tag of your page, put
. Then just before the </body> tag of your page, put

-Beacon Deacon

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#4   re: Ohhh AOL ya gotta Luv them
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I can't tell for sure, but there seems to be some code missing in the example above.

From what I can see though, it looks like he's just using CSS. The absolute positioning takes the page the code is on, removes it from the frame set and positions it at position (0,0) of the screen. The z-index makes the page sit in a layer above the original page. Basically, he's covering up the top frame.

The only concern that I would have is that AOL probably wouldn't be too happy about having their top frame covered. They may even have something about it in their acceptable use policy or terms and conditions that say it's a violation that could cost you your hosting. You might want to check and see if there's anything there before you put that code on your page.

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#5   re: Ohhh AOL ya gotta Luv them
CZ Super Newbie
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Yes, I thought of that too.

Well. what I did is I put a simple position tag on my left columns and as you can see, I am not hiding the aol banner I am just on top of it, lol

If you scroll over the left column you can see the aol banner lol

Anyhow, I have that looking decent enough to satisfy me until something better comes along.

I was wondering if you could look at the main of my league, I can't figure out how to enter it on the main page since I enter all my codes in the announcement area, been doing that way for years and don't want to have to change now, I don't have the time.

I always used iframes because you can't enter scripts on the main of myleague.

You see that annoying aol hometown banner drops over my league logo, grrrr.

Where would I put a position tage to at least make my page go over the AOL banner, I don't care if it sticks out the sides so long as my logo is visible.

Here is my league site: [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

Also if you have an idea of how to cover it up on my team site.

I am using a frame code for my team site and I did each page seperate but it appears to be running right across the framecode page.

Here is the inside link to my team site, bypassing the flash into:
[ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

Thanks again Kelly for all your help.... Dave

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