Rumor with aimers

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#1   Rumor with aimers
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i hear cases will have a detector for aimers in yahoo pool. anyone know anything? I didnt think there was a sure fire way to detect them.

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Its news to me. I don't see how a dectector would work really.
I think if anything is going to be released to stop aimers, its far more likely to come from Yahoo than Cases. But, we live in hope, I hope what you heard is right.

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#3   re: Rumor with aimers
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From everything that I've ever read, I'd say probably not. That rumor's been floating around for a while now.

In order to detect whether or not someone is running a particular software, you'd have to directly access their computer, preferably without their knowledge. Unless Cases is willing to go so far as installing a trojan-type file on peep's computer, I don't see it happening. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I would think that type of software development would come from Yahoo before it would come from Cases.

Personally, I'd like to see someone develop a boot program that can be used to boot all the water boosters out of the rooms before an aimer detector. icon_redface.gif


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#4   re: Rumor with aimers
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i assumed it was a bad rumor but thought you all might have info if it was true. The bots bother me more than the aimers do anyways . Thank God for timers. BTW i love the site and the info is gerat. Thanks for all your time and imput.

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Glad you like it and welcome to Codezwiz. Yep, the bots are a pain. We play in an obscure international room so they haven't found us yet. Our biggest pain is boosters filling up the room for hours on end. icon_evil.gif

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#6   re: Rumor with aimers
CZ Active Member
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yahoo personally know the problem of boosters...but they dont care anyways...they can stop it yes, but they dont want can have something made that detect like many same ip address into one room and boot them all and disable their accounts.

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Just a fyi, as a programmer in Vb, i have made & still do alot of programs Y! Games based, including boosters, scrollers, advertisers, literati cheater, word racer player, etc..

Y! has already stopped boosting once, by an ip based system (or similar), it basically counted the number of ids logged in on an ip & if it was more than 2 it would let you play, everything, but the games never counted, which is why boosting took a new turn a few months back & chain boosting became alot harder to do, but people made boosters to bypass that. Seems here as of late chain boosting the old way works again, so Y! updated something & forgot about that patch. As for can they fix it, yes, why dont they, well to put it simple, would cost more money than its worth. The ONLY sure fire way to stop boosting, aut-aimers, scrolling, everything Y! games based, is to completely reconfigure their encryption. Why dont they? It will be broke & used again. So pointless in the end.

Your best bet is this, play in social rooms. 90% of boosters do not go there, they cant see their ratings to see how their chain is doing. If they do, they usually tend to use ghost yogs so the chains can not be messed with.

There really is no way to detect an auto aimer. I doubt Y! even can as all it does is run hand in hand with their games client. They wouldn't be able to pinpoint what it did. If they could, spades card counters wouldn't be much use either.

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#8   re: Rumor with aimers
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There is one easy way that Yahoo could put an end to boosting - delete all red id's.
There is no way on earth that a legitimate player can get red.

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#9   re: Rumor with aimers
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Another thing everybody is forgetting is that when a company comes to Yahoo to place a ad in a games room, that company pays per id logged into the games. So if a boosting chain is in the room, Yahoo makes more money than if they banned boosting. Boosters are actually making Yahoo even more $$$$ because the more traffic a site can prove, the more they can charge for an ad placed on the site. It's all economics...never about the


P.S. Hey Austin, if you can make a decent working Y! games lobby booter let me know..maybe we can make a deal of some sorts. Even if it only works on the porn bots...lmao

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#10   Re: re: Rumor with aimers
CZ Active Member
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Originally posted by redhot_2oo3 @ Fri May 28, 2004 10:06 pm:

There is one easy way that Yahoo could put an end to boosting - delete all red id's.
There is no way on earth that a legitimate player can get red.

I hate to say it but thats flat ignorant. I had a legit 2300+, 2 years ago BEFORE boosting was around. So to say something that stupid, well that says it all. Nuff said.

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