Rumor with aimers

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#1   re: Rumor with aimers
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Not nearly as ignorant as creating and supplying programs that ruin a lot of people's games.

What is it with some people that they just have to cheat the system some how? Why isn't it good enough to just to into a pool room and play?
I am personally sick to death of script kiddies bringing boosting chains into our room. If we DARE to say anything, we get their buddies too, plus the scrollers, plus the Mesenger floods. So a big thanks for arming them with those.

I say (im my ignorance) ban red id's, ban rares and ban multiple id's.

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#2   re: Rumor with aimers
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Wouldn't stop the people who decided they wanted a particular name and just cracking it to get it.

I'd be very surprised if that aimer detector works. I just don't see how it's possible. Perhaps I'm just too ignorant.


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A script kiddie is a term used for programmers alike when referring to Vb, Delphi, C++ Etc.. (if you need a better explanation, i'll be glad to supply it), not program users. Making a program for personal use is that person business. How other people use it is their business.

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#4   re: Rumor with aimers
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ok this has gone on long enough.

Fact of the matter is, as unfortunate as it is, we do not live in a perfect world where it is all good. There will always be the good and the bad. Which ever side you choose to be on is up to your needs, values and morals.

This topic is now locked. If you wish to continue it or have a problem with my locking it, please do so by PM.


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#5   re: Rumor with aimers
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Tex1962 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Well I see that over time the problems remain the same.

Although Aimers cannot be stopped I know a few Ypool lgs on the myleague ladder have found competent ways in battling the problem.........

If a player is feared to have an aimer, its simple to prove or disprove.......... Our members have no problem with D/L camtasia or any other tools that would show proof that they do not cheat..............

Others that do cheat get so caught up in their ratings and games that they love to nail wrongdoers in the lg by creating screenshots for proof............ This ones the best because they always tend to forget they have PB sitting on their tool bar. (BUSTED)

as far as reds and obtaining red legally, I have my pool ID which is also my league ID and is also My admin name that has been red several times (LEGALLY), it can be done and only with lots of practice and dedication.

I personally can guarantee that cases/myleagues have no such programs as AIMER DETECTORS lol, however if you find the right filming programs aimers can be slowed and controlled...............

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I've gotten to 2101 before then lost 6 games in a row. I dont use an aimer and I dont play pool anymore. Aimers and Boosters really pee me off and thats one of the main reasons I dont play anymore plus I've kind of outgrown it. Hopefully something will get done about it though

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