Help for a first timer

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#1   Help for a first timer
CZ Newbie
Age: 42
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OK here we go, uploaded everything to my web host, created a new db, ran nuke.sql against the db.

Uploaded everything, and I get:

Warning: main(language/lang-.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nevetas/htdocs/mainfile.php on line 189

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'language/lang-.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nevetas/htdocs/mainfile.php on line 189

Warning: get_lang(admin/language/lang-.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nevetas/htdocs/mainfile.php on line 204

Warning: get_lang(): Failed opening 'admin/language/lang-.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nevetas/htdocs/mainfile.php on line 204

Warning: head(themes//theme.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nevetas/htdocs/header.php on line 31

Warning: head(): Failed opening 'themes//theme.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nevetas/htdocs/header.php on line 31

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: themeheader() in /home/nevetas/htdocs/header.php on line 47

So, I've been having a look on this board, I ran connect.php and I get:

Connection Test Script connected to your MySQL server successfully!

Connection to your database "nevetas" was also successful.

There are 92 tables in your nevetas database

Now check this list of tables with your nuke.sql file:

Table: nuke_authors
Table: nuke_autonews
Table: nuke_banner
Table: nuke_bannerclient
Table: nuke_bbauth_access
Table: nuke_bbbanlist
Table: nuke_bbcategories
Table: nuke_bbconfig
Table: nuke_bbdisallow
Table: nuke_bbforum_prune
Table: nuke_bbforums
Table: nuke_bbgroups
Table: nuke_bbposts
Table: nuke_bbposts_text
Table: nuke_bbprivmsgs
Table: nuke_bbprivmsgs_text
Table: nuke_bbranks
Table: nuke_bbsearch_results
Table: nuke_bbsearch_wordlist
Table: nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch
Table: nuke_bbsessions
Table: nuke_bbsmilies
Table: nuke_bbthemes
Table: nuke_bbthemes_name
Table: nuke_bbtopics
Table: nuke_bbtopics_watch
Table: nuke_bbuser_group
Table: nuke_bbvote_desc
Table: nuke_bbvote_results
Table: nuke_bbvote_voters
Table: nuke_bbwords
Table: nuke_blocks
Table: nuke_comments
Table: nuke_config
Table: nuke_confirm
Table: nuke_contactbook
Table: nuke_counter
Table: nuke_downloads_categories
Table: nuke_downloads_downloads
Table: nuke_downloads_editorials
Table: nuke_downloads_modrequest
Table: nuke_downloads_newdownload
Table: nuke_downloads_votedata
Table: nuke_encyclopedia
Table: nuke_encyclopedia_text
Table: nuke_ephem
Table: nuke_faqanswer
Table: nuke_faqcategories
Table: nuke_groups
Table: nuke_groups_points
Table: nuke_headlines
Table: nuke_journal
Table: nuke_journal_comments
Table: nuke_journal_stats
Table: nuke_links_categories
Table: nuke_links_editorials
Table: nuke_links_links
Table: nuke_links_modrequest
Table: nuke_links_newlink
Table: nuke_links_votedata
Table: nuke_main
Table: nuke_message
Table: nuke_modules
Table: nuke_pages
Table: nuke_pages_categories
Table: nuke_poll_check
Table: nuke_poll_data
Table: nuke_poll_desc
Table: nuke_pollcomments
Table: nuke_popsettings
Table: nuke_priv_msgs
Table: nuke_public_messages
Table: nuke_queue
Table: nuke_quotes
Table: nuke_referer
Table: nuke_related
Table: nuke_reviews
Table: nuke_reviews_add
Table: nuke_reviews_comments
Table: nuke_reviews_main
Table: nuke_seccont
Table: nuke_sections
Table: nuke_session
Table: nuke_stats_date
Table: nuke_stats_hour
Table: nuke_stats_month
Table: nuke_stats_year
Table: nuke_stories
Table: nuke_stories_cat
Table: nuke_topics
Table: nuke_users
Table: nuke_users_temp

Any ideas where I'm going wrong. This is my first time using php so don't flame me to bad! icon_biggrin.gif icon_mrgreen.gif

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#2   re: Help for a first timer
CZ Newbie
Age: 42
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Joined: Feb 09, 2004
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Points: 136

Silly me, just worked it out. I changed the prefix in config.php, changed it back to nuke, and now it's all working.

Great forum guys...

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