Scrolling Text

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#1   Scrolling Text
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hey, i was wondering how i would come about making a bit of html coding scroll up a and keep of scrolling without any gaps in between.

I can do a motion tween, where it goes up but then it has a gap, could ya do this for me, or tell me how to do it,


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#2   re: Scrolling Text
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Seamless scrolling of text, (or anything else for that matter), relies on the start point being almost the same as the end point. I say almost, because if they were exactly the same, you would have a pause, because there would be two identical frames, the 1st one and the last one.

To achieve this, the first and last frames must have 'midway' posiotions of whatever it is you are scrolling.

Let's say that you need bubbles rising up in a glass, but you need the bubbles to be continuous. Normally there would be a gap when the frames end, because all the bubbles have risen to the top and the new ones don't start untill frame 1 starts again. To get around this, some bubbles need to be positioned already in a rising position at the start of the movie, and at various point along the timeline. The end points of these 'midway' bubbles need to be in proportion with the others.
Let's say, for example, the movie is 30 frames long, and it takes one bubble 30 frames from bottom to top.
You'd need to place an additional bubble half way up at frame 1. Around frame 14 is where the bubble should be at the top. At frame 15 The bubble should start at the bottom and at frame 30 is should be just below it's position at frame 1.
That method is the one I use, it may sound complicated, but really it isn't. Just think of the frames as a continuous loop rather than being linear.

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