I need your opinion please?

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#1   I need your opinion please?
CZ Newbie
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Hello, how is everyone ?. The other day my friend and i got into a little discussion. He feels that when he dowloads a free script that as soon as he changes one part of that script ;He no longer gives the author any credit. I felt that changing a few lines doesnt allow him to not give credit where credit is due. My question is: Is there a point that is ok or not ok to call a script yours?
I said that i personally would if i felt i changed a significant amount still give credit but maybe make a little note explaining the changes i did?

ty jd

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Ya know there's a fine line there between respecting others work and what the law says

Me personally I have no problem giving credit to whom its do. I have to admit I don't always do it due to the fact that has I create things where and when i got something gets lost in the shuffle BUT I don't conciously say

"well I took out the word pino and put pool so nows it my own creation"

To me thats just being arrogant and self centered. If I want to call something my own then ""I CREATE IT"" I don't go using someone's else work as a templated.

I guess what it boils down to is ones morals. Sure its all legal to a certain point i believe but is it right is the question.

Besides how good does it feel to call someone else work u'r own (and not giving credit where credit is do is the same as calling it your own) compared to actually doing the work your self and saying


with a smile on your face

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#3   re: I need your opinion please?
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I'm with Rob on this issue. Changing a word or two here and there in a script does not give you the right to call the script your own. While he'd probably get away with it most of the time, it's a matter of principle. If he didn't create the script but simply altered it, then he should give credit to the original creator. After all, it's usually just a line or two in the source code.

A good method that I've seen used alot is the way they do the contributions at OsCommerce. If someone creates a contribution or mod, and someone else comes along and adds to it or further modifies it, they keep all of the credits intact in the script. That way, everyone gets credit.

For example, "Original XXXX script created by Fred ©2002, later modified by George ©2003."

One thing most people who remove copyrights and rip off other people's work don't think about is that the people who create the work and put it up for other people to use soon get fed up with people ripping them off. Eventually, they quit putting the stuff up for download. That hurts everyone.


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#4   re: I need your opinion please?
CZ Active Member
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Yes... I think if someone makes something they should get full credit even if its freeware. Like sometimes if a block is messing up my site i'll edit it a bit and remove the copyright part but if someone asks me how i've done that block I will tell them I did not do it and point them to the right link to who ever as done it.

An Example JAG made a online block and it messed my Nuke site up so I removed the copyright part but I still told people where to get it and as a mark of respect to JAG I posted there site on my top sites.

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#5   re: I need your opinion please?
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It seems to me that credit should be given to the original creator. Of course, the original creator almost certainly would have to give credit to someone else too, as few creations of any kind are not without at least influence from other people's work.

In a legal sense, I daresay there is a mathematical formula to decide what is original and what is copied. In a moral sense, credit should almost certainly be given imo.

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#6   re: I need your opinion please?
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You edit Nuke all the time but, do u claim that you wrote it?

If some1 writes a script and you edit that script, then all you have done is edit it. In the end, it's still just edited code that some1 else took the time to write.

I feel that if u don't start from scratch, then your just ripping, if you wanna call it yours.

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