am i dead ?

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#1   am i dead ?
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i was having a heart attack yesterday .When i go my site i saw my site says There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server, sorry for the inconvenience.
We should be back shortly. icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif .It was workin fine 1 hour ago and i didnt install anything and i tho to go my phpmyadmin trought c panel and had another shock coz i saw i have not any database icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif icon_eek.gif icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif icon_cry.gif .In c panel i can see which ip logged in last and it was me so i tho i didnt hacked and it should be my lovely ^+%+&/@ hosting company icon_evil.gif .They have perfect customer service on me after i told them i wont suggest their company to any1 .So im sure they wont answer me again .I wanna move my site to codezhost but have some questions plz ( coz im newbie)

1- i dont know any about how to transfering site coz didnt do before can you help me for it plz
2-i bought my domain from my host if i move my site to codezhost is it possible you renew my domain if i want to keep my domain for 1or + years ?
3-thats was my first host so i only used c panel and not sure about ensim to use easily icon_rolleyes.gif
4- i have backed up my site last throught my admin panel / back up instead phpmyadmin icon_redface.gif so can i have my site back with it
5- what must i do for start to use codezhost instead of my darnhost i dont have any idea can you help me for this if i buy a package icon_sad.gif


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You won't be able to use thier Cpanel backup with Ensim. You would need to restore your site thier then do a phpmyadmin backup through phpmyadmin. Also a hard copy of your files through [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] Ensim is very user friendly to use. We can move your site for you but there is a charge for it depending on the size of your database for an accurate quote submit it through the Feedback link with the SIZE (MB) of your database.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#3   re: am i dead ?
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what about the question 2 telli will it be possible you renew it when i want ? i dont wanna lose my domain icon_sad.gif

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#4   re: am i dead ?
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I think I can answer it, I just went through it.
If you got it from them and they gave you no control of it, you have to request they give it to you. If they are being ignorant they can make it hard and make you very mad.

To transfer from one domain registrar to another registrar, you should have the administrative contact info for the domain to show your information. If you have no control of your domain, then you have to ask support at your current host to change the administrative contact,be advised upon asking they know you are planning to move, so this is when things can get nasty. Make sure you backup all of your stuff before you even mention it to them.

The steps you would take Telli please correct anything I am wrong about or if there is a better way.

1. look up your domain name on [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] for info
2. request that the administrative contact reflect your info instead of them, and ask them to unlock the domain.
3. get confirmation that this has been done, double check on again to make sure!!
4. go to [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] , setup an account, and go through the steps to transfer a domain. Godaddy is very good... You can do it a lil cheaper some other places but Godaddy has some of the easiest control panels..
5. Set up an account with codezhost and follow your welcome instructions, which has info on how to point your domain name.

If you run into a problem with 2 or 3 they just may be jerking you around.

I too used Cpanel and am now hosted at Codezhost and let me tell ya Ensim is a big switch, it is alot differant, you will have to learn a panel over. It isn't that bad I personally like cpanel better, but that's because I learned it first. Ensim isn't hard just takes some getting used to. Among all the webhosts it's about 50/50 Cpanel/Ensim.

Codezhost has by far given me the best support of any host I've ever had. They get it done when there is a problem. If I'm not mistaken Codezhost doesn't register domains. They suggest on their sign up page and I have three domains with Godaddy, very very easy. It does cost to transfer, but the transfer cost also renews your domain for another year.

I'm by far no expert so I would wait for a codezhost endorsed responce verifying my steps. That is how I did mine, but I didn't have a site for at least 10 days waiting for it to transfer, because my host got mad and claimed I violated Terms of Service and cancled my site. then I had to wait 10 bussiness days for my domain name to actually transfer, after I had approved the transfer, since I was the administrative contact...

Administrative contact gets the email to allow the transfer from one registrar to another.
Hope it turns out well for you, but if I were you I'd start thinking up a new domain name just incase.

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#5   re: am i dead ?
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icon_eek.gif well thx for the info and your time ill try to do icon_cool.gif

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#6   re: am i dead ?
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The ensim panel is much better than the myadmin. I myself was worried when I began to use it, but found that it is much less confusing and looks so much better.
Also, there are movies to show you how to do things as well as a little popup help box that will appear everytime you log in until you tell it not to. I let mine show up even now just incase!

icon_razz.gif Good Luck!!! icon_mrgreen.gif

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