Using htaccess for protection - Protector - Sentinal

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#1   Using htaccess for protection - Protector - Sentinal
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Its about time someone said something about the following and give some of you another way to protect your site.

Although this does not help much if you don't have a static IP or are not runing your server on a unix machine with apache, for those that do, it is a major protection for your site. Personally I am not satisfied with Protector or Sentinel as yet, they still need alot of work to iron out the bugs, but kudos to those working on them - the community needs them badly.

For instance I was banned at nukecops (and the banned hasn't been lifted after a month) for using quotes when I did a search, this is a standard across all search engines, but used with at least one of these products, - you will get banned - although In future releases this will be fixed I'm told, it does not save your users. Many have already been banned - most permanently, for things that really did not hurt... and then they cannot contact you to explain themselves, they will not be back. Heaven knows how many users have lost access and privledges when they were not hacking, just using the system.

So now for the htaccess to protect your admin panel:

Your .htaccess can be used in many ways to help your site. For more information look here and do a search for htaccess tutorial: [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

After making htaccess
Simple effective protection, in notepad type in the folowing:

<Files admin.php>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Now save this as .htaccess and upload to your server. If you have other site admins, there addy will need to go there as well :

Allow from
Allow from

put each address on a seperate line, you can add as many as needed but remember this is only for admins, it has nothing to do with forum moderation.

This may not provide 100% protection but then again nothing out there will, but it will protect your system from others getting into your admin panel, unless they use your computer of course. If your ip does change, ftp to your site, open htaccess, change the ip number and upload it, you will have access again.

You can use this to protect your pic files, part or all of your subdirectories and many other useful things, and this will work to stop robots from intering areas that they ignore in robots.txt.

Hope this helps many of you, it has saved my sites many times.


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