email problem on site..ugh

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#1   email problem on site..ugh
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RobF has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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This is the error we get when you reply back to a person that has notify them in an email after posting to their thread? Any Ideas on this? Also we are using apache2triad.

General Error
Could not connect to smtp host : 10035 : A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.


Line : 150
File : C:\apache2triad\htdocs\includes\smtp.php

we are also using a modified "email hack" so you dont have to have user activation to access the site because our server wasnt sending out emails for sign up....that code is here this is in modules/your account/index.php

function confirmNewUser($username, $user_email, $user_password, $user_password2, $random_num, $gfx_check) {
    global $stop, $EditedMessage, $sitename, $module_name, $minpass;
    $username = $EditedMessage;
    $user_viewemail = "0";
    userCheck($username, $user_email);
    if (!$stop) {
   $datekey = date("F j");
   $rcode = hexdec(md5($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] . $sitekey . $_POST[random_num] . $datekey));
   $code = substr($rcode, 2, 6);
   if (extension_loaded("gd") AND $code != $gfx_check AND ($gfx_chk == 3 OR $gfx_chk == 4 OR $gfx_chk == 6 OR $gfx_chk == 7)) {
       echo "<center><b>"._SECCODEINCOR."</b><br><br>"
   if ($user_password == "" AND $user_password2 == "") {
       $user_password = makepass();
   } elseif ($user_password != $user_password2) {
       echo "<center><b>"._PASSDIFFERENT."</b><br><br>"._GOBACK."</center>";
   } elseif ($user_password == $user_password2 AND strlen($user_password) < $minpass) {
       echo "<center>"._YOUPASSMUSTBE." <b>$minpass</b> "._CHARLONG."<br><br>"._GOBACK."</center>";
   title("$sitename: "._USERREGLOGIN."");
   echo "<center><b>"._USERFINALSTEP."</b><br><br>$username, "._USERCHECKDATA."</center><br><br>"
       ."<table align='center' border='0'>"
       ."<tr><td><b>"._UUSERNAME.":</b> $username<br></td></tr>"
       ."<tr><td><b>"._EMAIL.":</b> $user_email</td></tr></table><br><br>"
       ."<center><b>"._NOTE."</b> "._YOUWILLRECEIVE."";
   echo "<form action=\"modules.php?name=$module_name\" method=\"post\">"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_num\" value=\"$random_num\">"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"gfx_check\" value=\"$gfx_check\">"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"$username\">"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_email\" value=\"$user_email\">"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_password\" value=\"$user_password\">"
       ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"finish\"><br><br>"
       ."<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._FINISH."\">  ;; ;;"._GOBACK."</form></center>";
    } else {
   echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>Registration Error!</b></font><br><br>";
   echo "<font class=\"content\">$stop<br>"._GOBACK."</font></center>";

Thanks in advance!
Btw Telli thanks for that great User info v4 block i love it !

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#2   re: email problem on site..ugh
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CStingray78 has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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I did a little research on google for that error and this is what it said:

The following errors are related to Ethernet communications and returned by WINSOCK. These errors indicate that communication to the device has failed. Your network adminstrator will be able to help you resolve thse problems.

2733 - A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.

And the "Could not connect to smtp host" leads me to believe your nuke install is not pointed at the right settings for e-mail. Check in the Forum Administration and go to the "Configuration" Section and make sure that the settings at the bottom of that page are set correctly if you use an SMTP server to send the e-mails.


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#3   re: email problem on site..ugh
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nicruisin has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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icon_eek.gif This is my problem to!

In my case I emailed my host they said they are 100% and to check my settings, I emailed them back saying my settings are 100% also and it worked fine just days ago. They replied with sorry but there's nothing we can do icon_rolleyes.gif

I then installed a new nuke using Fantastico and yep that didn't work either, the hosts are now aware of the bug and plan to have it sorted asap icon_neutral.gif

So to cut a long story short, there may well be a problem, get in touch with your hosts and see what they say icon_wink.gif


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