php-nuke 7.5. + News Module

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#1   php-nuke 7.5. + News Module
CZ Newbie
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Justsilvie has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Since upgrading to php-nuke 7.5. I have run into a few minor issues. One that will drive me insane if I don't fix it ASAP. So any help on this will be more then greatly appreciated.

The new "News Module" no longer accepts HTML code to format the text. In the older version I could center the title text and and fuil justify the body text now it ignores the code. Can anyone tell me where to go to correct this. The Articles from before the upgrade still have the formating.

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It does it on the main page index.php? When you post a new story through admin or subit news? When you edit an old story as admin?

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#3   re: php-nuke 7.5. + News Module
CZ Newbie
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Justsilvie has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Thanks for your reply! icon_biggrin.gif

The main page when I post a new story.

Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair. -- George Burns 1896-1996
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If you attach your modules/News/admin/index.php I will take a look for you.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#5   re: php-nuke 7.5. + News Module
CZ Newbie
 Codezwiz Site Donator
Justsilvie has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Thanks: The Html in the body is working. just not in the title. is their a way i can change to always center?



/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System */

/* =========================== */

/* */

/* Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi */

/* */

/* */

/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */

/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */

/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */


if (!eregi("admin.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die ("Access Denied"); }

global $prefix, $db;

$aid = substr("$aid", 0,25);

$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, admins FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE title='News'"));

$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT name, radminsuper FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'"));

$admins = explode(",", $row['admins']);

$auth_user = 0;

for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($admins); $i++) {

if ($row2['name'] == "$admins[$i]" AND $row['admins'] != "") {

$auth_user = 1;



if ($row['radminsuper'] == 1) {

$radminsuper = 1;


if ($row2['radminsuper'] == 1 || $auth_user == 1) {


/* Story/News Functions */


function puthome($ihome, $acomm) {

echo "<br><b>"._PUBLISHINHOME."</b> ;; ;;";

if (($ihome == 0) OR ($ihome == "")) {

$sel1 = "checked";

$sel2 = "";


if ($ihome == 1) {

$sel1 = "";

$sel2 = "checked";


echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ihome\" value=\"0\" $sel1>"._YES." ;;"

."<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ihome\" value=\"1\" $sel2>"._NO.""

." ;; ;;<font class=\"content\">[ "._ONLYIFCATSELECTED." ]</font><br>";

echo "<br><b>"._ACTIVATECOMMENTS."</b> ;; ;;";

if (($acomm == 0) OR ($acomm == "")) {

$sel1 = "checked";

$sel2 = "";


if ($acomm == 1) {

$sel1 = "";

$sel2 = "checked";


echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"acomm\" value=\"0\" $sel1>"._YES." ;;"

."<input type=\"radio\" name=\"acomm\" value=\"1\" $sel2>"._NO."</font><br><br>";


function deleteStory($qid) {

global $prefix, $db;

$qid = intval($qid);

$result = $db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_queue where qid='$qid'");

if (!$result) {



Header("Location: admin.php?op=submissions");


function SelectCategory($cat) {

global $prefix, $db;

$selcat = $db->sql_query("select catid, title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat order by title");

$a = 1;

echo "<b>"._CATEGORY."</b> ";

echo "<select name=\"catid\">";

if ($cat == 0) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"catid\" value=\"0\" $sel>"._ARTICLES."</option>";

while(list($catid, $title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($selcat)) {

$catid = intval($catid);

if ($catid == $cat) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"catid\" value=\"$catid\" $sel>$title</option>";



echo "</select> [ <a href=\"admin.php?op=AddCategory\">"._ADD."</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?op=EditCategory\">"._EDIT."</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?op=DelCategory\">"._DELETE."</a> ]";


function putpoll($pollTitle, $optionText) {


echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._ATTACHAPOLL."</b></font><br>"

."<font class=\"tiny\">"._LEAVEBLANKTONOTATTACH."</font><br>"

."<br><br>"._POLLTITLE.": <input type=\"text\" name=\"pollTitle\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"$pollTitle\"><br><br>"

."<font class=\"content\">"._POLLEACHFIELD."<br>"

."<table border=\"0\">";

for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {

echo "<tr>"

."<td>"._OPTION." $i:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"optionText[$i]\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\" value=\"$optionText[$i]\"></td>"



echo "</table>";



function AddCategory () {

include ("header.php");



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._CATEGORIESADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>"._CATEGORYADD."</b></font><br><br><br>"

."<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"

."<b>"._CATNAME.":</b> "

."<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"22\" maxlength=\"20\"> "

."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"SaveCategory\">"

."<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._SAVE."\">"





function EditCategory($catid) {

global $prefix, $db;

$catid = intval($catid);

$result = $db->sql_query("select title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where catid='$catid'");

list($title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

include ("header.php");



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._CATEGORIESADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>"._EDITCATEGORY."</b></font><br>";

if (!$catid) {

$selcat = $db->sql_query("select catid, title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat");

echo "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">";

echo "<b>"._ASELECTCATEGORY."</b>";

echo "<select name=\"catid\">";

echo "<option name=\"catid\" value=\"0\" $sel>Articles</option>";

while(list($catid, $title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($selcat)) {

$catid = intval($catid);

echo "<option name=\"catid\" value=\"$catid\" $sel>$title</option>";


echo "</select>";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"EditCategory\">";

echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._EDIT."\"><br><br>";

echo ""._NOARTCATEDIT."";

} else {

echo "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">";

echo "<b>"._CATEGORYNAME.":</b> ";

echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"22\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"$title\"> ";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"catid\" value=\"$catid\">";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"SaveEditCategory\">";

echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._SAVECHANGES."\"><br><br>";

echo ""._NOARTCATEDIT."";

echo "</form>";


echo "</center>";




function DelCategory($cat) {

global $prefix, $db;

$cat = intval($cat);

$result = $db->sql_query("select title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where catid='$cat'");

list($title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

include ("header.php");



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._CATEGORIESADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>"._DELETECATEGORY."</b></font><br>";

if (!$cat) {

$selcat = $db->sql_query("select catid, title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat");

echo "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"

."<b>"._SELECTCATDEL.": </b>"

."<select name=\"cat\">";

while(list($catid, $title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($selcat)) {

$catid = intval($catid);

echo "<option name=\"cat\" value=\"$catid\">$title</option>";


echo "</select>"

."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DelCategory\">"

."<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\">"


} else {

$result2 = $db->sql_query("select * from ".$prefix."_stories where catid='$cat'");

$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($result2);

if ($numrows == 0) {

$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where catid='$cat'");

echo "<br><br>"._CATDELETED."<br><br>"._GOTOADMIN."";

} else {

echo "<br><br><b>"._WARNING.":</b> "._THECATEGORY." <b>$title</b> "._HAS." <b>$numrows</b> "._STORIESINSIDE."<br>"




."<b>[ <a href=\"admin.php?op=YesDelCategory&amp;catid=$cat\">"._YESDEL."</a> | "

."<a href=\"admin.php?op=NoMoveCategory&amp;catid=$cat\">"._NOMOVE."</a> ]</b>";



echo "</center>";




function YesDelCategory($catid) {

global $prefix, $db;

$catid = intval($catid);

$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where catid='$catid'");

$result = $db->sql_query("select sid from ".$prefix."_stories where catid='$catid'");

while(list($sid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {

$sid = intval($sid);

$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_stories where catid='$catid'");

$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_comments where sid='$sid'");


Header("Location: admin.php");


function NoMoveCategory($catid, $newcat) {

global $prefix, $db;

$catid = intval($catid);

$result = $db->sql_query("select title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where catid='$catid'");

list($title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

include ("header.php");



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._CATEGORIESADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>"._MOVESTORIES."</b></font><br><br>";

if (!$newcat) {

echo ""._ALLSTORIES." <b>$title</b> "._WILLBEMOVED."<br><br>";

$selcat = $db->sql_query("select catid, title from ".$prefix."_stories_cat");

echo "<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">";

echo "<b>"._SELECTNEWCAT.":</b> ";

echo "<select name=\"newcat\">";

echo "<option name=\"newcat\" value=\"0\">"._ARTICLES."</option>";

while(list($newcat, $title) = $db->sql_fetchrow($selcat)) {

echo "<option name=\"newcat\" value=\"$newcat\">$title</option>";


echo "</select>";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"catid\" value=\"$catid\">";

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"NoMoveCategory\">";

echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._OK."\">";

echo "</form>";

} else {

$resultm = $db->sql_query("select sid from ".$prefix."_stories where catid='$catid'");

while(list($sid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultm)) {

$sid = intval($sid);

$db->sql_query("update ".$prefix."_stories set catid='$newcat' where sid='$sid'");


$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where catid='$catid'");

echo ""._MOVEDONE."";





function SaveEditCategory($catid, $title) {

global $prefix, $db;

$title = ereg_replace("\"","",$title);

$result = $db->sql_query("select catid from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where title='$title'");

$catid = intval($catid);

$check = $db->sql_numrows($result);

if ($check) {

$what1 = _CATEXISTS;

$what2 = _GOBACK;

} else {

$what1 = _CATSAVED;

$what2 = "[ <a href=\"admin.php\">"._GOTOADMIN."</a> ]";

$result = $db->sql_query("update ".$prefix."_stories_cat set title='$title' where catid='$catid'");

if (!$result) {




include ("header.php");



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._CATEGORIESADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>$what1</b></font><br><br>";

echo "$what2</center>";




function SaveCategory($title) {

global $prefix, $db;

$title = ereg_replace("\"","",$title);

$result = $db->sql_query("select catid from ".$prefix."_stories_cat where title='$title'");

$check = $db->sql_numrows($result);

if ($check) {

$what1 = _CATEXISTS;

$what2 = _GOBACK;

} else {

$what1 = _CATADDED;

$what2 = _GOTOADMIN;

$result = $db->sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_stories_cat values (NULL, '$title', '0')");

if (!$result) {




include ("header.php");



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._CATEGORIESADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><font class=\"content\"><b>$what1</b></font><br><br>";

echo "$what2</center>";




function autodelete($anid) {

global $prefix, $db;

$anid = intval($anid);

$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_autonews where anid='$anid'");

Header("Location: admin.php?op=adminMain");


function autoEdit($anid) {

global $aid, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $prefix, $db, $multilingual;

$sid = intval($sid);

$aid = substr("$aid", 0,25);

$result = $db->sql_query("select radminsuper from ".$prefix."_authors where aid='$aid'");

list($radminsuper) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

$radminsuper = intval($radminsuper);

$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT admins FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE title='News'");

$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT name FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'"));

while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {

$admins = explode(",", $row[admins]);

$auth_user = 0;

for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($admins); $i++) {

if ($row2[name] == "$admins[$i]") {

$auth_user = 1;



if ($auth_user == 1) {

$radminarticle = 1;



$result2 = $db->sql_query("select aid from ".$prefix."_stories where sid='$sid'");

list($aaid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);

$aaid = substr("$aaid", 0,25);

if (($radminarticle == 1) AND ($aaid == $aid) OR ($radminsuper == 1)) {

include ("header.php");

$result = $db->sql_query("select catid, aid, title, time, hometext, bodytext, topic, informant, notes, ihome, alanguage, acomm from ".$prefix."_autonews where anid='$anid'");

list($catid, $aid, $title, $time, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $informant, $notes, $ihome, $alanguage, $acomm) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

$catid = intval($catid);

$aid = substr("$aid", 0,25);

$informant = substr("$informant", 0,25);

$ihome = intval($ihome);

$acomm = intval($acomm);

ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime);



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._ARTICLEADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


$today = getdate();

$tday = $today[mday];

if ($tday < 10){

$tday = "0$tday";


$tmonth = $today[month];

$tyear = $today[year];

$thour = $today[hours];

if ($thour < 10){

$thour = "0$thour";


$tmin = $today[minutes];

if ($tmin < 10){

$tmin = "0$tmin";


$tsec = $today[seconds];

if ($tsec < 10){

$tsec = "0$tsec";


$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";

echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>"._AUTOSTORYEDIT."</b></font></center><br><br>"

."<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">";

$title = stripslashes($title);

$hometext = stripslashes($hometext);

$bodytext = stripslashes($bodytext);

$notes = stripslashes($notes);

$result=$db->sql_query("select topicimage from ".$prefix."_topics where topicid='$topic'");

list($topicimage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"75%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\" align=\"center\"><tr><td>"

."<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"8\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><tr><td>"

."<img src=\"images/topics/$topicimage\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">";

themepreview($title, $hometext, $bodytext);

echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"


."<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"50\" value=\"$title\"><br><br>"

."<b>"._TOPIC."</b> <select name=\"topic\">";

$toplist = $db->sql_query("select topicid, topictext from ".$prefix."_topics order by topictext");

echo "<option value=\"\">"._ALLTOPICS."</option>\n";

while(list($topicid, $topics) = $db->sql_fetchrow($toplist)) {

$topicid = intval($topicid);

if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; }

echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";

$sel = "";


echo "</select><br><br>";

$cat = $catid;


echo "<br>";

puthome($ihome, $acomm);

if ($multilingual == 1) {

echo "<br><b>"._LANGUAGE.": </b>"

."<select name=\"alanguage\">";


while ($file = readdir($handle)) {

if (preg_match("/^lang\-(.+)\.php/", $file, $matches)) {

$langFound = $matches[1];

$languageslist .= "$langFound ";




$languageslist = explode(" ", $languageslist);


for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($languageslist); $i++) {

if($languageslist[$i]!="") {

echo "<option value=\"$languageslist[$i]\" ";

if($languageslist[$i]==$alanguage) echo "selected";

echo ">".ucfirst($languageslist[$i])."</option>\n";



if ($alanguage == "") {

$sellang = "selected";

} else {

$sellang = "";


echo "<option value=\"\" $sellang>"._ALL."</option></select>";

} else {

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alanguage\" value=\"\">";


echo "<br><br><b>"._STORYTEXT."</b><br>"

."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"12\" name=\"hometext\">$hometext</textarea><br><br>"


."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"12\" name=\"bodytext\">$bodytext</textarea><br>"

."<font class=\"content\">"._ARESUREURL."</font><br><br>";

if ($aid != $informant) {

echo "<b>"._NOTES."</b><br>

<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"4\" name=\"notes\">$notes</textarea><br><br>";


echo "<br><b>"._CHNGPROGRAMSTORY."</b><br><br>"

.""._NOWIS.": $date<br><br>";

$xday = 1;

echo ""._DAY.": <select name=\"day\">";

while ($xday <= 31) {

if ($xday == $datetime[3]) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"day\" $sel>$xday</option>";



echo "</select>";

$xmonth = 1;

echo ""._UMONTH.": <select name=\"month\">";

while ($xmonth <= 12) {

if ($xmonth == $datetime[2]) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"month\" $sel>$xmonth</option>";



echo "</select>";

echo ""._YEAR.": <input type=\"text\" name=\"year\" value=\"$datetime[1]\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"4\">";

echo "<br>"._HOUR.": <select name=\"hour\">";

$xhour = 0;

$cero = "0";

while ($xhour <= 23) {

$dummy = $xhour;

if ($xhour < 10) {

$xhour = "$cero$xhour";


if ($xhour == $datetime[4]) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"hour\" $sel>$xhour</option>";

$xhour = $dummy;



echo "</select>";

echo ": <select name=\"min\">";

$xmin = 0;

while ($xmin <= 59) {

if (($xmin == 0) OR ($xmin == 5)) {

$xmin = "0$xmin";


if ($xmin == $datetime[5]) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"min\" $sel>$xmin</option>";

$xmin = $xmin + 5;


echo "</select>";

echo ": 00<br><br>

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"anid\" value=\"$anid\">

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"autoSaveEdit\">

<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._SAVECHANGES."\">



include ('footer.php');

} else {

include ('header.php');



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._ARTICLEADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><b>"._NOTAUTHORIZED1."</b><br><br>"







function autoSaveEdit($anid, $year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $title, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes, $catid, $ihome, $alanguage, $acomm) {

global $aid, $ultramode, $prefix, $db;

$aid = substr("$aid", 0,25);

$sid = intval($sid);

$result = $db->sql_query("select radminsuper from ".$prefix."_authors where aid='$aid'");

list($radminsuper) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

$radminsuper = intval($radminsuper);

$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT admins FROM ".$prefix."_modules WHERE title='News'");

$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT name FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aid'"));

while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {

$admins = explode(",", $row[admins]);

$auth_user = 0;

for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($admins); $i++) {

if ($row2[name] == "$admins[$i]") {

$auth_user = 1;



if ($auth_user == 1) {

$radminarticle = 1;



$result2 = $db->sql_query("select aid from ".$prefix."_stories where sid='$sid'");

list($aaid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);

$aaid = substr("$aaid", 0,25);

if (($radminarticle == 1) AND ($aaid == $aid) OR ($radminsuper == 1)) {

if ($day < 10) {

$day = "0$day";


if ($month < 10) {

$month = "0$month";


$sec = "00";

$date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec";

$title = stripslashes(FixQuotes($title));

$hometext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($hometext));

$bodytext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($bodytext));

$notes = stripslashes(FixQuotes($notes));

$result = $db->sql_query("update ".$prefix."_autonews set catid='$catid', title='$title', time='$date', hometext='$hometext', bodytext='$bodytext', topic='$topic', notes='$notes', ihome='$ihome', alanguage='$alanguage', acomm='$acomm' where anid='$anid'");

if (!$result) {



if ($ultramode) {



Header("Location: admin.php?op=adminMain");

} else {

include ('header.php');



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._ARTICLEADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";


echo "<center><b>"._NOTAUTHORIZED1."</b><br><br>"







function displayStory($qid) {

global $user, $subject, $story, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $anonymous, $user_prefix, $prefix, $db, $multilingual;

include ('header.php');



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._SUBMISSIONSADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";

$today = getdate();

$tday = $today[mday];

if ($tday < 10){

$tday = "0$tday";


$tmonth = $today[month];

$ttmon = $today[mon];

if ($ttmon < 10){

$ttmon = "0$ttmon";


$tyear = $today[year];

$thour = $today[hours];

if ($thour < 10){

$thour = "0$thour";


$tmin = $today[minutes];

if ($tmin < 10){

$tmin = "0$tmin";


$tsec = $today[seconds];

if ($tsec < 10){

$tsec = "0$tsec";


$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";

$qid = intval($qid);

$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT qid, uid, uname, subject, story, storyext, topic, alanguage FROM ".$prefix."_queue where qid='$qid'");

list($qid, $uid, $uname, $subject, $story, $storyext, $topic, $alanguage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

$qid = intval($qid);

$uid = intval($uid);

$subject = stripslashes($subject);

$story = stripslashes($story);

$storyext = stripslashes($storyext);


echo "<font class=\"content\">"

."<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"


."<input type=\"text\" NAME=\"author\" size=\"25\" value=\"$uname\">";

if ($uname != $anonymous) {

$res = $db->sql_query("select user_email from ".$user_prefix."_users where username='$uname'");

list($email) = $db->sql_fetchrow($res);

echo " ;; ;;<font class=\"content\">[ <a href=\"mailto:$email?Subject=Re: $subject\">"._EMAILUSER."</a> | <a href='modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=$uname'>"._USERPROFILE."</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&amp;mode=post&amp;u=$uid\">"._SENDPM."</a> ]</font>";


echo "<br><br><b>"._TITLE."</b><br>"

."<input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"50\" value=\"$subject\"><br><br>";

if($topic=="") {

$topic = 1;


$result = $db->sql_query("select topicimage from ".$prefix."_topics where topicid='$topic'");

list($topicimage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"70%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\" align=\"center\"><tr><td>"

."<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"8\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><tr><td>"

."<img src=\"images/topics/$topicimage\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\" alt=\"\">";

$storypre = "$story<br><br>$storyext";

themepreview($subject, $storypre);

echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"

."<br><b>"._TOPIC."</b> <select name=\"topic\">";

$toplist = $db->sql_query("select topicid, topictext from ".$prefix."_topics order by topictext");

echo "<option value=\"\">"._SELECTTOPIC."</option>\n";

while(list($topicid, $topics) = $db->sql_fetchrow($toplist)) {

$topicid = intval($topicid);

if ($topicid==$topic) {

$sel = "selected ";


echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";

$sel = "";


echo "</select>";

echo "<br><br>";

echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0'><tr><td width='20%'><b>"._ASSOTOPIC."</b></td><td width='100%'>"

."<table border='1' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='8'><tr>";

$sql = "SELECT topicid, topictext FROM ".$prefix."_topics ORDER BY topictext";

$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {

if ($a == 3) {

echo "</tr><tr>";

$a = 0;


echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='assotop[]' value='$row[topicid]'>$row[topictext]</td>";



echo "</tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br>";


echo "<br>";

puthome($ihome, $acomm);

if ($multilingual == 1) {

echo "<br><b>"._LANGUAGE.": </b>"

."<select name=\"alanguage\">";


while ($file = readdir($handle)) {

if (preg_match("/^lang\-(.+)\.php/", $file, $matches)) {

$langFound = $matches[1];

$languageslist .= "$langFound ";




$languageslist = explode(" ", $languageslist);


for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($languageslist); $i++) {

if($languageslist[$i]!="") {

echo "<option value=\"$languageslist[$i]\" ";

if($languageslist[$i]==$alanguage) echo "selected";

echo ">".ucfirst($languageslist[$i])."</option>\n";



if ($alanguage == "") {

$sellang = "selected";

} else {

$sellang = "";


echo "<option value=\"\" $sellang>"._ALL."</option></select>";

} else {

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alanguage\" value=\"\">";


echo "<br><br><b>"._STORYTEXT."</b><br>"

."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"7\" name=\"hometext\">$story</textarea><br><br>"


."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"8\" name=\"bodytext\">$storyext</textarea><BR>"

."<font class=\"content\">"._AREYOUSURE."</font><br><br>"


."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"4\" name=\"notes\"></textarea><br>"

."<input type=\"hidden\" NAME=\"qid\" size=\"50\" value=\"$qid\">"

."<input type=\"hidden\" NAME=\"uid\" size=\"50\" value=\"$uid\">"

."<br><b>"._PROGRAMSTORY."</b> ;; ;;"

."<input type=\"radio\" name=\"automated\" value=\"1\">"._YES." ;; ;;"

."<input type=\"radio\" name=\"automated\" value=\"0\" checked>"._NO."<br><br>"

.""._NOWIS.": $date<br><br>";

$day = 1;

echo ""._DAY.": <select name=\"day\">";

while ($day <= 31) {

if ($tday==$day) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"day\" $sel>$day</option>";



echo "</select>";

$month = 1;

echo ""._UMONTH.": <select name=\"month\">";

while ($month <= 12) {

if ($ttmon==$month) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"month\" $sel>$month</option>";



echo "</select>";

$date = getdate();

$year = $date[year];

echo ""._YEAR.": <input type=\"text\" name=\"year\" value=\"$year\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"4\">";

echo "<br>"._HOUR.": <select name=\"hour\">";

$hour = 0;

$cero = "0";

while ($hour <= 23) {

$dummy = $hour;

if ($hour < 10) {

$hour = "$cero$hour";


echo "<option name=\"hour\">$hour</option>";

$hour = $dummy;



echo "</select>";

echo ": <select name=\"min\">";

$min = 0;

while ($min <= 59) {

if (($min == 0) OR ($min == 5)) {

$min = "0$min";


echo "<option name=\"min\">$min</option>";

$min = $min + 5;


echo "</select>";

echo ": 00<br><br>"

."<select name=\"op\">"

."<option value=\"DeleteStory\">"._DELETESTORY."</option>"

."<option value=\"PreviewAgain\" selected>"._PREVIEWSTORY."</option>"

."<option value=\"PostStory\">"._POSTSTORY."</option>"


."<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._OK."\"> ;; ;;[ <a href=\"admin.php?op=DeleteStory&qid=$qid\">"._DELETE."</a> ]";


echo "<br>";

putpoll($pollTitle, $optionText);

echo "</form>";

include ('footer.php');


function previewStory($automated, $year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $qid, $uid, $author, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes, $catid, $ihome, $alanguage, $acomm, $pollTitle, $optionText, $assotop) {

global $user, $boxstuff, $anonymous, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $user_prefix, $prefix, $db, $multilingual;

include ('header.php');



echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>"._ARTICLEADMIN."</b></font></center>";


echo "<br>";

$today = getdate();

$tday = $today[mday];

if ($tday < 10){

$tday = "0$tday";


$tmonth = $today[month];

$tyear = $today[year];

$thour = $today[hours];

if ($thour < 10){

$thour = "0$thour";


$tmin = $today[minutes];

if ($tmin < 10){

$tmin = "0$tmin";


$tsec = $today[seconds];

if ($tsec < 10){

$tsec = "0$tsec";


$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";

$subject = stripslashes($subject);

$hometext = stripslashes($hometext);

$bodytext = stripslashes($bodytext);

$notes = stripslashes($notes);


echo "<font class=\"content\">"

."<form action=\"admin.php\" method=\"post\">"


."<input type=\"text\" name=\"author\" size=\"25\" value=\"$author\">";

if ($author != $anonymous) {

$res = $db->sql_query("select user_id, user_email from ".$user_prefix."_users where username='$author'");

list($pm_userid, $email) = $db->sql_fetchrow($res);

$pm_userid = intval($pm_userid);

echo " ;; ;;<font class=\"content\">[ <a href=\"mailto:$email?Subject=Re: $subject\">"._EMAILUSER."</a> | <a href='modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=$author'>"._USERPROFILE."</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&amp;mode=post&amp;u=$uid\">"._SENDPM."</a> ]</font>";


echo "<br><br><b>"._TITLE."</b><br>"

."<input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"50\" value=\"$subject\"><br><br>";

$result = $db->sql_query("select topicimage from ".$prefix."_topics where topicid='$topic'");

list($topicimage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

echo "<table width=\"70%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\"align=\"center\"><tr><td>"

."<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" cellpadding=\"8\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\"><tr><td>"

."<img src=\"images/topics/$topicimage\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\">";

themepreview($subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $notes);

echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"

."<br><b>"._TOPIC."</b> <select name=\"topic\">";

$toplist = $db->sql_query("select topicid, topictext from ".$prefix."_topics order by topictext");

echo "<option value=\"\">"._ALLTOPICS."</option>\n";

while(list($topicid, $topics) = $db->sql_fetchrow($toplist)) {

$topicid = intval($topicid);

if ($topicid==$topic) {

$sel = "selected ";


echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";

$sel = "";


echo "</select>";

echo "<br><br>";

for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($assotop); $i++) {

$associated .= "$assotop[$i]-";


$asso_t = explode("-", $associated);

echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0'><tr><td width='20%'><b>"._ASSOTOPIC."</b></td><td width='100%'>"

."<table border='1' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='8'><tr>";

$sql = "SELECT topicid, topictext FROM ".$prefix."_topics ORDER BY topictext";

$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {

if ($a == 3) {

echo "</tr><tr>";

$a = 0;


for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($asso_t); $i++) {

if ($asso_t[$i] == $row[topicid]) {

$checked = "CHECKED";




echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='assotop[]' value='$row[topicid]' $checked>$row[topictext]</td>";

$checked = "";



echo "</tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br>";

$cat = $catid;


echo "<br>";

puthome($ihome, $acomm);

if ($multilingual == 1) {

echo "<br><b>"._LANGUAGE.": </b>"

."<select name=\"alanguage\">";


while ($file = readdir($handle)) {

if (preg_match("/^lang\-(.+)\.php/", $file, $matches)) {

$langFound = $matches[1];

$languageslist .= "$langFound ";




$languageslist = explode(" ", $languageslist);


for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($languageslist); $i++) {

if($languageslist[$i]!="") {

echo "<option value=\"$languageslist[$i]\" ";

if($languageslist[$i]==$alanguage) echo "selected";

echo ">".ucfirst($languageslist[$i])."</option>\n";



if ($alanguage == "") {

$sellang = "selected";

} else {

$sellang = "";


echo "<option value=\"\" $sellang>"._ALL."</option></select>";

} else {

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alanguage\" value=\"$language\">";


echo "<br><br><b>"._STORYTEXT."</b><br>"

."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"7\" name=\"hometext\">$hometext</textarea><br><br>"


."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\" name=\"bodytext\">$bodytext</textarea><br>"

."<font class=\"content\">"._AREYOUSURE."</font><br><br>"


."<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"4\" name=\"notes\">$notes</textarea><br><br>"

."<input type=\"hidden\" NAME=\"qid\" size=\"50\" value=\"$qid\">"

."<input type=\"hidden\" NAME=\"uid\" size=\"50\" value=\"$uid\">";

if ($automated == 1) {

$sel1 = "checked";

$sel2 = "";

} else {

$sel1 = "";

$sel2 = "checked";


echo "<b>"._PROGRAMSTORY."</b> ;; ;;"

."<input type=\"radio\" name=\"automated\" value=\"1\" $sel1>"._YES." ;; ;;"

."<input type=\"radio\" name=\"automated\" value=\"0\" $sel2>"._NO."<br><br>"

.""._NOWIS.": $date<br><br>";

$xday = 1;

echo ""._DAY.": <select name=\"day\">";

while ($xday <= 31) {

if ($xday == $day) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"day\" $sel>$xday</option>";



echo "</select>";

$xmonth = 1;

echo ""._UMONTH.": <select name=\"month\">";

while ($xmonth <= 12) {

if ($xmonth == $month) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"month\" $sel>$xmonth</option>";



echo "</select>";

echo ""._YEAR.": <input type=\"text\" name=\"year\" value=\"$year\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"4\">";

echo "<br>"._HOUR.": <select name=\"hour\">";

$xhour = 0;

$cero = "0";

while ($xhour <= 23) {

$dummy = $xhour;

if ($xhour < 10) {

$xhour = "$cero$xhour";


if ($xhour == $hour) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"hour\" $sel>$xhour</option>";

$xhour = $dummy;



echo "</select>";

echo ": <select name=\"min\">";

$xmin = 0;

while ($xmin <= 59) {

if (($xmin == 0) OR ($xmin == 5)) {

$xmin = "0$xmin";


if ($xmin == $min) {

$sel = "selected";

} else {

$sel = "";


echo "<option name=\"min\" $sel>$xmin</option>";

$xmin = $xmin + 5;


echo "</select>";

echo ": 00<br><br>"

."<select name=\"op\">"

."<option value=\"DeleteStory\">"._DELETESTORY."</option>"

."<option value=\"PreviewAgain\" selected>"._PREVIEWSTORY."</option>"

."<option value=\"PostStory\">"._POSTSTORY."</option>"


."<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._OK."\">";


echo "<br>";

putpoll($pollTitle, $optionText);

echo "</form>";

include ('footer.php');


function postStory($automated, $year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $qid, $uid, $author, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes, $catid, $ihome, $alanguage, $acomm, $pollTitle, $optionText, $assotop) {

global $aid, $ultramode, $prefix, $db, $user_prefix;

for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($assotop); $i++) {

$associated .= "$assotop[$i]-";


if ($automated == 1) {

if ($day < 10) {

$day = "0$day";


if ($month < 10) {

$month = "0$month";


$sec = "00";

$date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec";

if ($uid == 1) $author = "";

if ($hometext == $bodytext) $bodytext = "";

$subject = stripslashes(FixQuotes($subject));

$hometext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($hometext));

$bodytext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($bodytext));

$notes = stripslashes(FixQuotes($notes));

$result = $db->sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_autonews values (NULL, '$catid', '$aid', '$subject', '$date', '$hometext', '$bodytext', '$topic', '$author', '$notes', '$ihome', '$alanguage', '$acomm', '$associated')");

if (!$result) {



if ($uid != 1) {

$db->sql_query("update ".$user_prefix."_users set counter=counter+1 where user_id='$uid'");

$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT points FROM ".$prefix."_groups_points WHERE id='4'"));

$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$user_prefix."_users SET points=points+$row[points] where user_id='$uid'");


$db->sql_query("update ".$prefix."_authors set counter=counter+1 where aid='$aid'");

if ($ultramode) {



$qid = intval($qid);

$db->sql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_queue where qid='$qid'");

Header("Location: admin.php?op=submissions");

} else {

if ($uid == 1) $author = "";

if ($hometext == $bodytext) $bodytext = "";

$subject = stripslashes(FixQuotes($subject));

$hometext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($hometext));

$bodytext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($bodytext));

$notes = stripslashes(FixQuotes($notes));

if (($pollTitle != "") AND ($optionText[1] != "") AND ($optionText[2] != "")) {

$haspoll = 1;

$timeStamp = time();

$pollTitle = FixQuotes($pollTitle);

if(!$db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_poll_desc VALUES (NULL, '$pollTitle', '$timeStamp', '0', '$alanguage', '0')")) {



$object = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT pollID FROM ".$prefix."_poll_desc WHERE pollTitle='$pollTitle'"));

$id = $object['pollID'];

$id = intval($id);

for($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($optionText); $i++) {

if($optionText[$i] != "") {

$optionText[$i] = FixQuotes($optionText[$i]);


if(!$db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_poll_data (pollID, optionText, optionCount, voteID) VALUES ('$id', '$optionText[$i]', '0', '$i')")) {




} else {

$haspoll = 0;

$id = 0;


$result = $db->sql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_stories values (NULL, '$catid', '$aid', '$subject', now(), '$hometext', '$bodytext', '0', '0', '$topic', '$author', '$notes', '$ihome', '$alanguage', '$acomm', '$haspoll', '$id', '0', '0', '$associated')");

$result = $db->sql_query("select sid from ".$prefix."_stories WHERE title='$subject' order by time DESC limit 0,1");

list($artid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

$artid = intval($artid);

$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_poll_desc SET artid='$artid' WHERE pollID='$id'");

if (!$result) {



if ($uid != 1) {

$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT points FROM ".$prefix."_groups_points WHERE id='4'"));

$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$user_prefix."_users SET points=points+$row[points] where user_id='$uid'");


Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair. -- George Burns 1896-1996
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#6   re: php-nuke 7.5. + News Module
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If you wouldn't mind pm'ing me the FTP login info and a temp admin account for your site I could troubleshoot it for you.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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Have you modified the news module, or the sql tables for the news module at anytime?


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#8   re: php-nuke 7.5. + News Module
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Justsilvie has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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I think I have figured it! But thank you very much for your offers of help.

The titles I believe do not allow HTML and it now makes sense why. I should have realized I could make the adjustment in my theme.

Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair. -- George Burns 1896-1996
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