Shop Special items help

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#1   Shop Special items help
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pnclthnmstsh has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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My shop is almost working 100 percent, but I've got I few problems I can't find the fix for.

I've got the special shop enabled and prices set, but we can't buy anything from it. We get an error message that says "Shop Function not Enabled or Error in Cost!"

Next is when we click on "Items" under our avatar we get an error that reads "
No user_id selected to search!"

Finally, this may have everything to do with the above errors but when I installed all of the Auth codes I got a whole bunch of errors and nothing would work. So when I removed all the Auth codes it works like I described here.

Thanks for any help!

EDIT- Found another error
When I try to give away one of the items I bought in my created store to another member, an item called "test", I get this message "What is the point in giving your to yourself?"

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#2   re: Shop Special items help
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Make sure you've followed the steps in the install file. Looks like your missing a few necessary corrections in your files.

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#3   re: Shop Special items help
CZ Newbie
lvlacleod has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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It apparently is quite a common problem according to portedmods

heres the fix.

back up your shop_effects.php which is in modules/Forums/**

and replace it with this and see if it works
*                             shop_effects.php
*                            -------------------
*   Version              : 2.6.0
*   released             : Sunday, December 15th, 2002
*   last updated         : Saturday, July 12th, 2003
*   email                : [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

*   copyright (C) 2002/2003  IcE-RaiN/Zarath
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
*   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.

define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = 'modules/Forums/';
$index = 1;
// Start session management
$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX, $nukeuser);
// End session management

// Start page Variables
$colordropdown = '<td class="row2"><select name="color"><option value="000000">Black</option><option value="333399">Blue, Dark</option><option value="3366FF">Blue, Light</option><option value="99FFFF">Cyan</option><option value="A4A467">Gold</option><option value="339933">Green, Dark</option><option value="66FF33">Green, Light</option><option value="999999">Grey, Dark</option><option value="CCCCCC">Grey, Light</option><option value="FF9900">Orange</option><option value="FF33FF">Pink</option><option value="CC33FF">Purple</option><option value="993333">Red, Dark</option><option value="FF3366">Red, Light</option><option value="FFFFFF">White</option><option value="FFFF00">Yellow</option></select>';
// End page variables

//start of special shop display
if (($_REQUEST['action'] == "specialshop") || (empty($_REQUEST['action'])))
      'body' => 'shop_body.tpl')
   if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] )
      $redirect = "shop.$phpEx&action=specialshop";
      $redirect .= ( isset($user_id) ) ? '&user_id=' . $user_id : '';
      header('Location: ' . append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=$redirect", true));

   $shoparray = explode("ß", $board_config['specialshop']);
   $shoparraycount = count ($shoparray);
   $shopstatarray = array();
   for ($x = 0; $x < $shoparraycount; $x++)
      $temparray = explode("Þ", $shoparray[$x]);
      $shopstatarray[] = $temparray[0];
      $shopstatarray[] = $temparray[1];

   //start checks for first visit
   if (strlen($userdata['user_privs']) < 2) {
      $sql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_effects='ßnoÞ0ßnoÞ0ßnoÞ0', user_privs='ßnoÞ0ßnoÞ0ßnoÞ0' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
      if ( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Fixing User!'); }
      if (strlen($userdata['user_custitle']) < 2) {
         $sql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_custitle='ßoffÞ0ßoffÞ0ßoffÞ0ßoffÞ0ßoffÞ0' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
         if ( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Fixing User!'); }
      header("Location: shop_effects.php");
   //end first visit checks

   $usereffects = explode("ß", $userdata['user_effects']);
   $userprivs = explode("ß", $userdata['user_privs']);
   $userctitle = explode("ß", $userdata['user_custitle']);
   $userbs = array();
   $usercount = count($userprivs);
   for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $userprivs[$x]); $userbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $userbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }
   $usercount = count($usereffects);
   for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $usereffects[$x]); $userbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $userbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }
   $usercount = count($userctitle);
   for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $userctitle[$x]); $userbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $userbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }

   //check enabled
   if ($shopstatarray[3] != "enabled") { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Effects store is not Enabled!'); }

   if (($shopstatarray[6] == on) || ($shopstatarray[8] == on) || ($shopstatarray[10] == on))
      if (($userbs[2] == no) || ($userbs[2] == off)) { $avatarbs = "Buy"; } else { $avatarbs = "Remove"; $avatarowned = "Yes"; }
      if (($userbs[4] == no) || ($userbs[4] == off)) { $sigbs = "Buy"; } else { $sigbs = "Remove"; $sigowned = "Yes"; }
      if (($userbs[6] == no) || ($userbs[6] == off)) { $titlebs = "Buy"; } else { $titlebs = "Remove"; $titleowned = "Yes"; }
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="5"><span class="gen"><b>Privileges</b></span></td></tr>';
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Privileges</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Cost</span></td><td class="row2"><br></td><td class="row2"><br></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Owned</span></td></tr>';
      if ($shopstatarray[6] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=bsspecial&type=avatar&bs=".$avatarbs).'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Avatar Privilege</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[7].'</span></td><td class="row2"><br></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$avatarbs.' Avatar"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$avatarowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[8] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=bsspecial&type=sig&bs=".$sigbs).'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Signature Privilege</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[9].'</span></td><td class="row2"><br></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$sigbs.' Signature"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$sigowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[10] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=bsspecial&type=title&bs=".$titlebs).'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Title Privilege</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[11].'</span></td><td class="row2"><br></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$titlebs.' Title"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$titleowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
   if (($shopstatarray[12] == on) || ($shopstatarray[14] == on) || ($shopstatarray[16] == on))
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="5"><span class="gen"><b>Name Effects</b></span></td></tr>';
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Effects</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Cost</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Colors</span></td><td class="row2"><br></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Owned</span></td></tr>';
      if (($userbs[10] == no) || ($userbs[10] == off)) { $colorbs = "Buy"; } else { $colorbs = "Remove"; $colorowned = "<font color=\"".$userbs[11]."\">Yes"; }
      if (($userbs[12] == no) || ($userbs[12] == off)) { $shadowbs = "Buy"; } else { $shadowbs = "Remove"; $shadowowned = "<font color=\"".$userbs[13]."\">Yes"; }
      if (($userbs[14] == no) || ($userbs[14] == off)) { $glowbs = "Buy"; } else { $glowbs = "Remove"; $glowowned = "<font color=\"".$userbs[15]."\">Yes"; }
      if ($shopstatarray[12] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=bsspecial&type=color&bs=".$colorbs).'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Color</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[13].'</span></td>'.$colordropdown.'
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$colorbs.' Color"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$colorowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[14] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=bsspecial&type=glow&bs=".$glowbs).'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Glow</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[15].'</span></td>'.$colordropdown.'
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$glowbs.' Glow"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$glowowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[16] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=bsspecial&type=shadow&bs=".$shadowbs).'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Shadow</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[17].'</span></td>'.$colordropdown.'
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$shadowbs.' Shadow"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shadowowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
   if (($shopstatarray[18] == on) || ($shopstatarray[20] == on) || ($shopstatarray[22] == on))
      $shopinfo .= "<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"5\"><span class=\"gen\"><b>Title Effects</b></span></td></tr>";
      $shopinfo .= "<tr><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Effects</span></td><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Cost</span></td><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Colors</span></td><td class=\"row2\"><br></td><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Owned</span></td></tr>";
      if (($userbs[18] == no) || ($userbs[18] == off)) { $tcolorbs = "Buy"; } else { $tcolorbs = "Remove"; $tcolorowned = "<font color=\"".$userbs[19]."\">Yes"; }
      if (($userbs[20] == no) || ($userbs[20] == off)) { $tglowbs = "Buy"; } else { $tglowbs = "Remove"; $tglowowned = "<font color=\"".$userbs[21]."\">Yes"; }
      if (($userbs[22] == no) || ($userbs[22] == off)) { $tshadowbs = "Buy"; } else { $tshadowbs = "Remove"; $tshadowowned = "<font color=\"".$userbs[23]."\">Yes"; }
      if ($shopstatarray[18] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=bsspecial&type=tcolor&bs=$tcolorbs").'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Title Color</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[19].'</span></td>'.$colordropdown.'
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$tcolorbs.' Color"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$tcolorowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[20] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=bsspecial&type=tglow&bs=$tglowbs").'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Title Glow</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[21].'</span></td>'.$colordropdown.'
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$tglowbs.' Glow"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$tglowowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[22] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=bsspecial&type=tshadow&bs=$tshadowbs").'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Buy Title Shadow</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[23].'</span></td>'.$colordropdown.'
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$tshadowbs.' Shadow"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$tshadowowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
   if (($shopstatarray[24] == on) || ($shopstatarray[26] == on))
      $shopinfo .= "<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"5\"><span class=\"gen\"><b>Custom Changes</b></span></td></tr>";
      $shopinfo .= "<tr><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Type</span></td><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Cost</span></td><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Change to</span></td><td class=\"row2\"><br></td><td class=\"row2\"><span class=\"gensmall\">Owned/Name</span></td></tr>";
      if ((($userbs[24] == no) || ($userbs[24] == off)) || ($userbs[26] == on)) { $ctitlebs = "Buy"; } else { $ctitlebs = "Remove"; $ctitleowned = "Yes"; }
      if ($shopstatarray[24] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=bsspecial&type=ctitle&bs=$ctitlebs").'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Change Title</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[25].'</span></td><td class="row2"><input type="text" class="post" name="newtitle" size="25" maxlength="25"></td>
         </td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="'.$ctitlebs.' Title"></span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$ctitleowned.'</span></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[26] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=bsspecial&type=cusername&bs=Buy").'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Change Username</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[27].'</span></td><td class="row2"><input type="text" class="post" name="newname" size="25" maxlength="25"></td>
         <td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="Change Name"></span></td><td class="row2"><br></td></tr></form>';
      if ($shopstatarray[28] == on)
         $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=bsspecial&type=cutitle&bs=Buy").'"><tr><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">Change Users Title</span></td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall">'.$shopstatarray[29].'</span></td><td class="row2"><input type="text" class="post" name="newtitle" size="25" maxlength="25"></td>
         </td><td class="row2"><span class="gensmall"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="Change User Title"></span></td><td class="row2"><input type="text" class="post" name="tchangename" size="10" maxlength="50"></td></tr></form>';
   if ($shopstatarray[12] == "on" || $shopstatarray[14] == "on" || $shopstatarray[16] == "on" || $shopstatarray[18] == "on" || $shopstatarray[20] == "on" || $shopstatarray[22] == "on") {
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="5"><span class="gen"><b>Test Effects</b></span></td></tr>';
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall">Type</span></td><td class="row2" colspan="3"><span class="gensmall">Colors</span></td></tr>';
      $shopinfo .= '<form method="post" action="'.append_sid("shop_effects.".$phpEx."?action=specialshop&viewname=true#effects").'">';
      if ($shopstatarray[12] == "on" || $shopstatarray[18] == "on")
         $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><a name="effects"></a><span class="gensmall">Color</span></td><td class="row2" colspan="3"><select name="color"><option value="none">None</option>'.str_replace('<td class="row2"><select name="color">', '', $colordropdown).'</tr>';
      if ($shopstatarray[14] == "on" || $shopstatarray[20] == "on")
         $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall">Glow</span></td><td class="row2" colspan="3"><select name="gcolor"><option value="none">None</option>'.str_replace('<td class="row2"><select name="color">', '', $colordropdown).'</tr>';
      if ($shopstatarray[16] == "on" || $shopstatarray[22] == "on")
         $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall" colspan="3">Shadow</span></td><td class="row2" colspan="3"><select name="scolor"><option value="none">None</option>'.str_replace('<td class="row2"><select name="color">', '', $colordropdown).'</tr>';
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall" colspan="3">Test Text:</span></td><td class="row2" colspan="3"><input type="text" class="post" size="15" maxlength="25" name="testtext"></td></tr>';
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td colspan="5" class="row2" align="center"><input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="View Effects"></td></tr></form>';
   if ($_REQUEST['viewname'] == "true") {
      if ($_REQUEST['color'] != "none") { $testcolor = '<font color="'.$_REQUEST['color'].'">'; }
      if ($_REQUEST['gcolor'] != "none") { $testglow = '; filter:glow(color=#'.$_REQUEST['gcolor'].', strength=5)'; }
      if ($_REQUEST['scolor'] != "none") { $testshadow = '; filter:shadow(color=#'.$_REQUEST['scolor'].', strength=5)'; }
      if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/", $testtext)) { $text = $userdata['username']; }
      elseif (strlen($testtext) < 2) { $text = $userdata['username']; }
      else { $text = $testtext; }
      $shopinfo .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="5" align="center"><span class="gen"><span style="width:100'.$testshadow.''.$testglow.'">'.$testcolor.''.$text.'</font></span></span></td></tr>';
   $page_title = 'Permissions and Effects Store';
   $title = $shopstatarray[5];
   $shoplocation = ' -> <a href="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=specialshop").'" class="nav">'.$shopstatarray[5].' Abilities</a>';
   if (strlen($shopinfo) > 3) { $shoptablerows = 5; }
   else { $shoptablerows = 1; $shopinforow = '<tr><td class="row2"><span class="gen">There are currently no effects or privlages for sale in this shop.</span></td></tr>'; }

   // start of personal information
   $personal = '<tr><td class="row1" width="50%"><span class="gensmall"><a href="'.append_sid("shop.$phpEx?action=inventory&searchid=".$userdata['user_id']).'" class="navsmall">Your Inventory</a></span></td><td class="row1" align="right" width="50%"><span class="gensmall">'.$userdata['user_points'].' '.$board_config['points_name'].'</span></td></tr>';
   if (strlen($userdata['user_specmsg']) > 2) {
      $personal .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall"><font color="red">'.$userdata['user_specmsg'].'</font></span></td></tr>';
      $personal .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall"><a href="shop.php?clm=true" class="gen">Clear Messages</a></span></td></tr>';
   //end of personal information

      'SHOPPERSONAL' => $personal,
      'SHOPLOCATION' => $shoplocation,
      'L_SHOP_TITLE' => $title,
      'SHOPTABLEROWS' => $shoptablerows,
      'SHOPLIST' => $shopinfo,
      'SHOPINFOROW' => $shopinforow,
   $template->assign_block_vars('', array());


//start of buy & sell sepcials
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "bsspecial")
   if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] )
      $redirect = "shop.$phpEx&action=bsspecial&type=".$_REQUEST['type']."&bs=".$_REQUEST['bs']."&color=".$_REQUEST['color'];
      $redirect .= ( isset($user_id) ) ? '&user_id=' . $user_id : '';
      header('Location: ' . append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=$redirect", true));
   $template->set_filenames(array( 'body' => 'shop_body.tpl'));

   $usereffects = explode("ß", $userdata['user_effects']);
   $userprivs = explode("ß", $userdata['user_privs']);
   $usercustitle = explode("ß", $userdata['user_custitle']);
   $userbs = array();
   $usercount = count($userprivs);
   for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $userprivs[$x]); $userbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $userbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }
   $usercount = count($usereffects);
   for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $usereffects[$x]); $userbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $userbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }
   $usercount = count($usercustitle);
   for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $usercustitle[$x]); $userbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $userbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }

   $shoparray = explode("ß", $board_config['specialshop']);
   $shoparraycount = count ($shoparray);
   $shopstatarray = array();
   for ($x = 0; $x < $shoparraycount; $x++)
      $temparray = explode("Þ", $shoparray[$x]);
      $shopstatarray[] = $temparray[0];
      $shopstatarray[] = $temparray[1];
   if ($_REQUEST['bs'] == "Buy") {
      if ((($_REQUEST['type'] == "ctitle") && ($shopstatarray[24] == "on")) || (($_REQUEST['type'] == "cutitle") && ($shopstatarray[28] == "on"))) {
         $tsql = "select * from " . RANKS_TABLE . " where rank_title='{$_REQUEST['newtitle']}'";
         if ( !($tresult = $db->sql_query($tsql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Rank Info!'); }
         $trow = mysql_fetch_array($tresult);
         if (mysql_num_rows($tresult) > 0) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'That Rank has already been assigned!'); }
         elseif ((!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/", $_REQUEST['newtitle'])) || (strlen($_REQUEST['newtitle']) < 2)) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'That Rank is Invalid, it must only contain characters A-Z, a-z and 1-0. For more specific titles talk to an admin.'); }
         if (($_REQUEST['type'] == "cutitle") && ($shopstatarray[28] == "on")) {
            if ($userdata['username'] == $tchangename) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'If you want to change your title, do it with the proper field!'); }
            $sql = "select * from " . USERS_TABLE . " where username='{$_REQUEST['tchangename']}'";
            if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Checking Username!'); }
            $ucrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            if ((($ucrow['user_level'] == 1) || ($ucrow['user_level'] == 2)) && ($userdata['user_level'] != 1)) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You cannot change the rank of Admins or Moderators!'); }
            if (strlen($ucrow['username']) < 2) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'No such user exists!'); }
            else { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[29]; }
         else { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[25]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == cusername) && ($shopstatarray[26] == "on")) {
         $sql = "select * from " . USERS_TABLE . " where username='{$_REQUEST['newname']}'";
         if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Checking Username!'); }
         if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'That name is already in use, go back and pick another one!'); }
         elseif ((!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/", $_REQUEST['newname'])) || (strlen($_REQUEST['newname']) < 2)) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Invalid name, Characters must be A-Z & a-z. If you wish a different type of name change contact an admin.'); }
         else { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[27]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tcolor') && ($shopstatarray[18] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[19]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tglow') && ($shopstatarray[20] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[21]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tshadow') && ($shopstatarray[22] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[23]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'avatar') && ($shopstatarray[6] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[7]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'sig') && ($shopstatarray[8] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[9]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'title') && ($shopstatarray[10] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[11]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'color') && ($shopstatarray[12] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[13]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'shadow') && ($shopstatarray[16] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[17]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'glow') && ($shopstatarray[14] == 'on')) { $specialcost = $shopstatarray[15]; }
      if (!is_numeric($specialcost)) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Shop Function not Enabled or Error in Cost!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'color') || ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'shadow') || ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'glow') || ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tglow') || ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tcolor') || ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tshadow'))
         if (substr_count($colordropdown, '<option value="'.$_REQUEST['color'].'">') < 1) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'This is not a valid color!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'ctitle') && (($userbs[24] == 'on') && ($userbs[26] != 'on'))) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already own a custom title!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tcolor') && ($userbs[18] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have a colored title!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tglow') && ($userbs[20] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have a glowing title!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tshadow') && ($userbs[22] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have a shadowed title!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'avatar') && ($userbs[2] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have avatar permissions!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'sig') && ($userbs[4] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have signature permissions!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'title') && ($userbs[6] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have title permissions!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'color') && ($userbs[10] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have a color in your name!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'shadow') && ($userbs[12] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have a shadow on your name!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'glow') && ($userbs[14] == 'on')) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You already have a glow on your name!'); }
      $userleftamount = $userdata['user_points'] - $specialcost;
      if ($userleftamount < 0) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'You don\'t have enough '.$board_config['points_name'].' to purchase that!'); }
      else { $upsql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_points='$userleftamount' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
       if ( !($db->sql_query($upsql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Updating User Info!'); } }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'avatar') { $userprs = "ßonÞ".$userbs[3]."ß".$userbs[4]."Þ".$userbs[5]."ß".$userbs[6]."Þ".$userbs[7]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'sig') { $userprs = "ß".$userbs[2]."Þ".$userbs[3]."ßonÞ".$userbs[5]."ß".$userbs[6]."Þ".$userbs[7]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'title') { $userprs = "ß".$userbs[2]."Þ".$userbs[3]."ß".$userbs[4]."Þ".$userbs[5]."ßonÞ".$userbs[7]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] != 'title') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'sig') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'avatar')) { $userprs = "ß".$userbs[2]."Þ".$userbs[3]."ß".$userbs[4]."Þ".$userbs[5]."ß".$userbs[6]."Þ".$userbs[7]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'color') { $usereff = "ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['color']."ß".$userbs[12]."Þ".$userbs[13]."ß".$userbs[14]."Þ".$userbs[15]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'shadow') { $usereff = "ß".$userbs[10]."Þ".$userbs[11]."ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['color']."ß".$userbs[14]."Þ".$userbs[15]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'glow') { $usereff = "ß".$userbs[10]."Þ".$userbs[11]."ß".$userbs[12]."Þ".$userbs[13]."ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['color']; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] != 'glow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'shadow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'color')) { $usereff = "ß".$userbs[10]."Þ".$userbs[11]."ß".$userbs[12]."Þ".$userbs[13]."ß".$userbs[14]."Þ".$userbs[15]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tcolor') { $usercustitle = "ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['color']."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tglow') { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['color']."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tshadow') { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['color']."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'ctitle') {
         $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['newtitle']."ßoffÞ0";
         $sql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_specmsg='' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
         if (!($db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error clearing special messages!'); }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] != 'tglow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'tshadow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'tcolor') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'ctitle')) { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'cutitle') { $ussql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_effects='$usereff', user_privs='$userprs', user_custitle='$usercustitle' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
      if ( !($db->sql_query($ussql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Updating User Info!'); } }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'cusername') {
         $sql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set username='{$_REQUEST['newname']}' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
         if (!($db->sql_query($sql))) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error changing username!'); }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'cutitle') {
         $usercustitle = explode("ß", $ucrow['user_custitle']);
         $usercount = count($usercustitle);
         $cuserbs = array();
         for ($x = 0; $x < $usercount; $x++) { $temppriv = explode("Þ", $usercustitle[$x]); $cuserbs[] = $temppriv[0]; $cuserbs[] = $temppriv[1]; }
         $usercustitle = "ß".$cuserbs[2]."Þ".$cuserbs[3]."ß".$cuserbs[4]."Þ".$cuserbs[5]."ß".$cuserbs[6]."Þ".$cuserbs[7]."ßonÞ".$_REQUEST['newtitle']."ß".$cuserbs[8]."Þ".$cuserbs[9];
         $usermessage = $userdata['username'].' has changed your title to<i> '.$_REQUEST['newtitle'].'. </i>If this is inappropriate, message an admin.';
         $sql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_custitle='$usercustitle', user_specmsg='$usermessage' where username='{$_REQUEST['tchangename']}'";
         if ( !($db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Updating User Info!'); }
      $page_title = 'Buy Special Ability';
      $title = $page_title;
      $shoplocation = ' -> <a href="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=specialshop").'" class="nav">'.$shopstatarray[5].' Abilities</a> -> <a href="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=specialshop").'" class="nav">Buy Special Ability</a>';
      $shopinforow = '<tr><td class="row2"><span class="gen">Your purchase has been successful!</span></td></tr>';
   elseif ($_REQUEST['bs'] == "Remove") {
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'avatar') && (($userbs[2] == 'off') || ($userbs[2] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'avatar permissions'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'sig') && (($userbs[4] == 'off') || ($userbs[4] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'signature permission'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'title') && (($userbs[6] == 'off') || ($userbs[6] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'title permission'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'color') && (($userbs[10] == 'off') || ($userbs[10] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'colour in your name'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'shadow') && (($userbs[12] == 'off') || ($userbs[12] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'shadow on your name'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'glow') && (($userbs[14] == 'off') || ($userbs[14] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'glow on your name'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tcolor') && (($userbs[18] == 'off') || ($userbs[18] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'colour in your title'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tglow') && (($userbs[20] == 'off') || ($userbs[20] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'glow on your title'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tshadow') && (($userbs[22] == 'off') || ($userbs[22] == 'no'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'shadow on your title'; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] == 'ctitle') && (($userbs[24] == 'off') || ($userbs[24] == 'no') || ($userbs[26] == 'on'))) { $error = 1; $msg = 'custom title'; }
      if ($error) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, "You don't have a ".$msg." to remove."); }

      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'avatar') { $userprs = "ßoffÞ".$userbs[3]."ß".$userbs[4]."Þ".$userbs[5]."ß".$userbs[6]."Þ".$userbs[7]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'sig') { $userprs = "ß".$userbs[2]."Þ".$userbs[3]."ßoffÞ".$userbs[5]."ß".$userbs[6]."Þ".$userbs[7]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'title') { $userprs = "ß".$userbs[2]."Þ".$userbs[3]."ß".$userbs[4]."Þ".$userbs[5]."ßoffÞ".$userbs[7]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] != 'title') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'sig') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'avatar')) { $userprs = "ß".$userbs[2]."Þ".$userbs[3]."ß".$userbs[4]."Þ".$userbs[5]."ß".$userbs[6]."Þ".$userbs[7]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'color') { $usereff = "ßoffÞ0ß".$userbs[12]."Þ".$userbs[13]."ß".$userbs[14]."Þ".$userbs[15]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'shadow') { $usereff = "ß".$userbs[10]."Þ".$userbs[11]."ßoffÞ0ß".$userbs[14]."Þ".$userbs[15]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'glow') { $usereff = "ß".$userbs[10]."Þ".$userbs[11]."ß".$userbs[12]."Þ".$userbs[13]."ßoffÞ0"; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] != 'glow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'shadow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'color')) { $usereff = "ß".$userbs[10]."Þ".$userbs[11]."ß".$userbs[12]."Þ".$userbs[13]."ß".$userbs[14]."Þ".$userbs[15]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tcolor') { $usercustitle = "ßoffÞ0ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tglow') { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ßoffÞ0ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'tshadow') { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ßoffÞ0ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'ctitle') { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ßoffÞ0ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      if (($_REQUEST['type'] != 'tglow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'tshadow') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'tcolor') && ($_REQUEST['type'] != 'ctitle')) { $usercustitle = "ß".$userbs[18]."Þ".$userbs[19]."ß".$userbs[20]."Þ".$userbs[21]."ß".$userbs[22]."Þ".$userbs[23]."ß".$userbs[24]."Þ".$userbs[25]."ß".$userbs[26]."Þ".$userbs[27]; }
      $ussql = "update " . USERS_TABLE . " set user_effects='$usereff', user_privs='$userprs', user_custitle='$usercustitle' where username='{$userdata['username']}'";
      if ( !($db->sql_query($ussql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Fatal Error Updating User Info!'); }
      $page_title = "Sell Special Ability";
      $title = $page_title;
      $shoplocation = ' -> <a href="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=specialshop").'" class="nav">'.$shopstatarray[5].' Abilities</a> -> <a href="'.append_sid("shop_effects.$phpEx?action=specialshop").'" class="nav">Sell Special Ability</a>';
      $shopinforow = '<tr><td class="row2"><span class="gen">Your sale has been successful!</span></td></tr>';

   // start of personal information
   $personal = '<tr><td class="row1" width="50%"><span class="gensmall"><a href="'.append_sid("shop.$phpEx?action=inventory&searchid=".$userdata['user_id']).'" class="navsmall">Your Inventory</a></span></td><td class="row1" align="right" width="50%"><span class="gensmall">'.$userdata['user_points'].' '.$board_config['points_name'].'</span></td></tr>';
   if (strlen($userdata['user_specmsg']) > 2) {
      $personal .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall"><font color="red">'.$userdata['user_specmsg'].'</font></span></td></tr>';
      $personal .= '<tr><td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall"><a href="shop.php?clm=true" class="gen">Clear Messages</a></span></td></tr>';
   //end of personal information

      'SHOPPERSONAL' => $personal,
      'SHOPLOCATION' => $shoplocation,
      'L_SHOP_TITLE' => $title,
      'SHOPTABLEROWS' => 1,
      'SHOPLIST' => $shopinfo,
      'SHOPINFOROW' => $shopinforow,
   $template->assign_block_vars('', array());

   message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'This is not a valid command!');

// Start output of page

// Generate the page



Obviously naming the file shop_effects.php

It worked for me, so good luck

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