Restore Individual File(s) from Ensim WebAppliance Backup

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#1   Restore Individual File(s) from Ensim WebAppliance Backup
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As far as I can tell, from reading the online documentation and various searches, there
appears to be no easy way to restore an INDIVIDUAL file from a backup made with the
Ensim Webappliance.

I'd really rather not have to resort to downloading an entire backup file to then extract
and upload a single file.

Am I missing something, is there an easier way?

I'm currently assisting in maintaining and updating a couple of CodeZHost sites.

Almost forgot: What about shell access for such sites ?



PS: Note, NOT an urgent issue, just getting started with WebAppliance; on other
systems, at least for me, seems more common/useful to restore a given single file,
more often done than restoring an entire account/site.

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#2   re: Restore Individual File(s) from Ensim WebAppliance Backu
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Currently, only full restore is available. You're better off just backing-up each file on your HD than anywhere else

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#3   re: Restore Individual File(s) from Ensim WebAppliance Backu
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MikeDobson has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Thanks! Just wanted a bit of confirmation.

Seems like it would be a very useful feature, perhaps to be able to access the contents
of those gzip'ed backup tarballs, from the FileManager.

I like the capability of having scheduled backups to a given FTP server (not to mention
that as far as I can see, on CodeZHost, the FTP is unlimited, so no reason NOT to icon_smile.gif
Just seems as if it's VERY much more common to want to restore a single file, or
single directory/tree ...

Anyone who's done any real sysadmin work, you know how that call from a user goes:
"I want that one file that I accidentally deleted, and I want it ten minutes ago! "

Come to think of it, in the "old days", I'd often wind up finagaling that a bit too: dig up
the most likely backup tape, load it on a different machine which had easier/faster
access to the contents (ie local PC in this case), then get the one file...

I suppose the "practical" way to go then, would be to go ahead with scheduled backups,
but get the individual directory/tree backed up locally to your HD before you start
working on it ... I've been trying to convice my less experienced co-helper, that you
should tread very carefully when making changes on "live" systems; one more "oops"
will probably do the trick.

OK, off soapbox! I suppose it wouldn't aggravate me that much, if I had a broadband
internet connection. In this particular context, the one time (so far) I've needed to do
something like that, I was assisted by a friend who had broadband.

Thanks again!

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