Banner request HalloweenV2

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#1   Banner request HalloweenV2
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dementeddogz has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Would it be too much trouble to get the default banner on halloweenV2 to say
Demon Knights inplace of halloween , same font?

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#2   re: Banner request HalloweenV2
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I'm sorry...but the reason why it's called a Halloween theme is because of the wording on the header. If you want your site name in place of the Codezwiz site name then that can be done but to totally remove the Happy Halloween wording is really going against the reason why this theme was released for free for this particular holiday.

if however, you want it tailored to your site, then I'm sure you can email Kelly or Telli or red and they can give you a quote for it icon_biggrin.gif

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I like the theme and plan to use it even after halloween and happy halloween on say christmas just seems...........wrong.

If you want your site name in place of the Codezwiz site name then that can be done but to totally remove the Happy Halloween wording is really going against the reason why this theme was released for free for this particular holiday.

Theres already a blank logo included in the theme with out the "Codezwiz site name". I can easily have the halloween wording itself taken off. I just like the font thats used better then what Ive seen so far.

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cancel this request got it done and didnt need to worry about a quote icon_rolleyes.gif

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#5   re: Banner request HalloweenV2
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marner has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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i will also like it with out the Happy Halloween on
and some blank buttons so i can make it on danish
and i will like a qoute on it also if there is no other way
Keep up the cool work Codezwiz
Years and peace

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#6   re: Banner request HalloweenV2
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cancel this request got it done and didnt need to worry about a quote

Thanks, I'm sure the design team all appreciate that.

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Maybe i missed the part where it stated that editing the theme was not allowed? icon_rolleyes.gif

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#8   re: Banner request HalloweenV2
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Editing the theme is allowed by all means, if you can do it on your own, and as you said you have done. We will only go so far as adding your site name, not modifying the existing images. If it was the intent to be able to edit the main image for the holiday theme, why even have a Halloween Holiday theme?

What is given to the public for free is theirs to use but please don't ask to modify work that has already been done to it's best and to satisy the requests of so many for another holiday theme. It just goes against all reasons as to why the theme was done.

I hope this ends this topic

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#9   re: Banner request HalloweenV2
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You know, it's funny isn't it. I was against releasing the Halloween Theme as a freebie. Not because I didn't want peeps to have it, but because I thought it was such a good theme that it would sell well.

Before you say 'well that's just greedy', you should realise that what we do here is what we do for a living. When we're not doing graphics, themes, websites and flash, we're not making a living.

So when we do give away a thing like Halloween V2, which in anybody's book is a class theme, there are always going to be some people who get the idea that never mind Halloween, this would make a great everyday theme.
They are right of course. It would. But that's not what we made it for. If we had made it for an everyday theme it would now be sitting in the Theme Shop and selling.

We don't mind what you do with the theme, we only expect the credits to remain intact. But to expect us to spend our time customizing it for individual websites is totally unreasonable. Someone said they wouldn't pay us to customise it, as they can get a theme for a few bucks. Well sure, but you get what you pay for. Go get a theme for a few bucks, I'm sure it will be worth every penny.

This is not a gripe, by the way, to all the peeps who have downloaded the theme and have said how happy they are with it. For those people we will continue to do what we do.

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dementeddogz has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Editing the theme is allowed by all means, if you can do it on your own, and as you said you have done. We will only go so far as adding your site name, not modifying the existing images. If it was the intent to be able to edit the main image for the holiday theme, why even have a Halloween Holiday theme?

What is given to the public for free is theirs to use but please don't ask to modify work that has already been done to it's best and to satisy the requests of so many for another holiday theme. It just goes against all reasons as to why the theme was done.

I hope this ends this topic

Understandable, but you also have to understand that while you may think of it as a "halloween only" theme others may, and most likely will, choose to use it as a year round theme. In this case Happy halloween just doesnt fit. I would think that to be a compliment more then anything. Its all good though I am fully capable of doing it I just liked the font that was used before but have been able to come fairly close. Was just thinking ahead for after the holidays. Ill consider the discussion closed just wanted to voice my opinion

You know, it's funny isn't it. I was against releasing the Halloween Theme as a freebie. Not because I didn't want peeps to have it, but because I thought it was such a good theme that it would sell well.

Before you say 'well that's just greedy', you should realise that what we do here is what we do for a living. When we're not doing graphics, themes, websites and flash, we're not making a living.

So when we do give away a thing like Halloween V2, which in anybody's book is a class theme, there are always going to be some people who get the idea that never mind Halloween, this would make a great everyday theme.
They are right of course. It would. But that's not what we made it for. If we had made it for an everyday theme it would now be sitting in the Theme Shop and selling.

We don't mind what you do with the theme, we only expect the credits to remain intact. But to expect us to spend our time customizing it for individual websites is totally unreasonable. Someone said they wouldn't pay us to customise it, as they can get a theme for a few bucks. Well sure, but you get what you pay for. Go get a theme for a few bucks, I'm sure it will be worth every penny.

This is not a gripe, by the way, to all the peeps who have downloaded the theme and have said how happy they are with it. For those people we will continue to do what we do.

I ve known about the halloween theme for some time but I agree that I think it would be a decent selling year round theme and can see why you would be wanting it in the theme gallery.

Ive made quite a few themes and can understand that but I also dont make a theme regardless of it being a holiday theme and expect people not to use it after the fact. I also dont think its as unreasonable as you make it out to sound. Its a Codezwiz theme and a request was made in a logo request forum. I wont go out and pay a couple bucks for a theme as you stated when I could make it myself icon_wink.gif

As far as it not sounding like a gripe Id have to say it does but maybe Im reading more into your "tone" then is really there which may be chalked up to lack of sleep. It also sounds like youre saying im not one of the poeple who " have downloaded the theme and have said how happy they are with it. For those people we will continue to do what we do." Assuming teli remembers our convo he knows how much Ive liked his halloween theme. I obtained permission to make it a phpbb theme for one of my old sites leaving all rights intact.

I wasnt out to start an argument or sound unreasonable I just saw a theme that i liked and unknowingly made a request that obviously touched a sore spot

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