Can someone explain this?

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#1   Can someone explain this?
CZ Super Newbie
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here is the instructions

5. Edit the newsflash.sql file:
- If your database uses a different prefix that the default "nuke", you will need
to replace nuke_ with your own prefix (eg. nuke_newsflash becomes myprefix_newsflash)
- Replace the word "admin" with whatever your super user is called in the sql line
that begins with "update nuke_authors...."
6. Run the newsflash.sql file via command line or phpMyAdmin or whatever else you use.

7. Copy the contents of admin/language/lang-english.txt into your
admin/language/lang-english.php file

Now here is the only thing in the SQL file

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_newsflash;

CREATE TABLE nuke_newsflash (
   nid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   title varchar(150) NOT NULL,
   data blob,
   launch_time datetime NOT NULL,
   expires datetime default NULL,
   active int(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (nid)

ALTER TABLE `nuke_authors` add `radminNewsflashadmin` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL AFTER `radminency`; 

Am I missing something here? Maybe I'm just dumb. What do I edit? The bold text remark in the quote is where I get lost.

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#2   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Addict
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Nothing dumb, if you don't understand it's the fault of the mod for not explaining it properly enough lol.

The first part is just saying when you installed Nuke, whatever prexfix you added to the database change it to that. A quick and easy way to check would be to Open PHPMyAdmin on your hosting then on the left frame, see the drop down box, there should be a database saying prefix_name just remeber whatever the prefix was and change it on the sql file where it says nuke_newsflash from nuke to whatever the prefix was.

Don't know about the second one, the the third is a PHPMyAdmin jobby, just go to your Nuke database, click the SQL tab at the top, go down a bit and find an import bit where you can browse for an SQL file. Find it then click submit or whatever it says.

I'm not too sure about the admin text file as it seems as though that would remove any kind of mods applied to that file with the original admin file and with the modifications needed for this mod.

I'm not great with Nuke, i only know some PHP so my knowledge is limited.

Hope that helps a bit


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#3   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Super Newbie
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Yeah I kind of figured it was not worded well. I just wanted to be sure I was not oblivious to something. I have some knowledge in myadmin. I uploaded the sql but it was a no go. I will check out what you pointed out.


*update* My prefix is correct. Its the second part that looses me. The mentioned line is not even in the sql file.

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#4   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Wiz
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I believe you put the GOD admins name of your Nuke site in place of "Admin".

Example in the SQl file:

update nuke_authors set radminNewsflashAdmin = 1 where aid = 'GOD ADMIN NAME';

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#5   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Super Newbie
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Okay I now can get into the admin of newflash...But I do the news and preview and then confirm and nothing. Is there something I am missing here? I activate it and it does not activate. I typed a very simple message and still no go.

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#6   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Wiz
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When you're setting it up at the bottom are some options for time to start etc, have you checked those? I am going to install this on my site and see what's going on with it.

* Alright I just installed this and it's working perfectly. After you click "Preview" it will jump to another screen, then just scroll down to where you see "Preview" you should see that the preview box turned into a drop down list, just hit the drop down and click " confirm". I just did this and it works. If you did it this same way, I suggest backtracing your steps.

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#7   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Super Newbie
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Yeah I tried all that. I don't suppose you can post your sql table minus the admin password. I want to be sure I added the correct script. Then I will just reinstall all of it.

Thanks for helping out.

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#8   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Wiz
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Here's what my SQL file looks like before I insert it into the db:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nuke_newsflash;

CREATE TABLE nuke_newsflash (
   nid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   title varchar(150) NOT NULL,
   data blob,
   launch_time datetime NOT NULL,
   expires datetime default NULL,
   active int(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (nid)

ALTER TABLE `nuke_authors` ADD `radminNewsflashAdmin` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL AFTER `radminency`; 

update nuke_authors set radminNewsflashAdmin = 1 where aid = 'PUTYOURGODPASSWORDHERE';

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#9   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Super Newbie
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LOL....jeesh...I added the table you posted with my password...Here is what mysql says:

ALTER TABLE `nuke_authors` ADD `radminNewsflashAdmin` TINYINT( 2 ) NOT NULL AFTER `radminency`

#1060 - Duplicate column name 'radminNewsflashadmin'

I deleted the previous table before trying your table. I don't get.
Boy I'm dumb icon_redface.gif

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#10   re: Can someone explain this?
CZ Wiz
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