friendly advice for y'all :D

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#1   friendly advice for y'all :D
CZ Super Newbie
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ok im not tryin to be mean or anything but on most of the sites i was able to see (alot said they were unavaliable) i keep seeing the same old stuff over and over again. same ol pool clipart or scrollers or very flashy text... jsut alot of stuff everyone uses. i think if you really want someone to remember your site you will take the time and find some clipart or pics that peopel dont use and "tweak" them . i try not to use alot of clipart and pics but the ones i do use i do try to put a new spin on them. like pool table background that was faded and edge faded for the myleague page i did. also i spent time and got some good menu and button and flash builders and made my own stuff. people theme pages but then they over theme them. you don't need a ton of stuff on a page to make it a great page. below i have posted some of the sites i have done. i hope i dont make anyone mad or anything i just wanted to give some friendly advice for beginner web designers. not saying im a pro. but anyways.

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Thats why i dont use images icon_smile.gif

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CZ Revered Member
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The reason you see the same old stuff again is some people are unable to edit such items and do not have the tools / resources to do such things.

Why complain about seeing the same old stuff when such items are widely available.

Content on all sites could be the same but it is what you do with it that counts. I dont think it would be fair to put people down who have used all the items available to them and done their best to make pages that they enjoy.

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CZ Revered Member
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Each person's page is their own creation and should be appreciated. After all, it is the hard work of each individual that matters not the images used. It all boils down to the sweat and time each person has given to produce that page....whether the same image, which is readily available, is used over and over again.

Just my $0.02 cents.........oh right inflation, worth $0.05 cents

taut winkss.gif

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