An opinon from a open source frame of mind..

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#1   An opinon from a open source frame of mind..
CZ Newbie
DX-THeGAME has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Im not a ripper, hacker or a user of illegal mods..

However, for the last 4yrs, I have been paying over a hundred a year for people to come and post helpfull information on my site. Your code is only as valuable as the enjoyment people recieve from it. I realize that your time is valuable, but even more so is the spirit in which the code was designed.

Forcing a "donation" for a free source code you yourself have built on is kind of hypocritical to me. You did not create Nuke, nor PHP. Those that did offer it for free. You are only using a code that you could not capitalize on if it didnt exhist.

Do the right thing. Allow people to enjoy the work you do for the pleasure of helping out.

My two cents.

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#2   re: An opinon from a open source frame of mind..
CZ Super Newbie
Smeagol has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Not any one person created water either but we pay for the use it. Or even oil and fuel. Or even diamonds and pearls. I could go on and on but I hope you get the general idea. What is being done here isnt anything new and should have been done long ago. Other sites do it as well. For so long, everything on this site was free until it was abused! There is stil free help that is available since the creation of this site and from the looks of it, it will go on!

If as you say, you have spent hundreds in the past, what's 15bux? You spend more for a carton of cigarettes these days or even a pair of jeans or a t-shirt. Nike didnt invent rubber and yet they charge through the nose for a pair of their shoes.

I hope you start to see the light...

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#3   re: An opinon from a open source frame of mind..
CZ Newbie
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texcowboy903 has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Open Source Code does NOT necessarly mean FREE source code. If you bother to go to you will find that the authro of php-nuke charges for the latest versoin of the program but allows older versions to be distributed free. He even makes the statement on his site that if you pay for it today andhe releases a new version tomorrow you have to pay again to get the new version.

Open Source Code is by definition, exactly what it's name implies. It is code written and distributed in such a manner in which others can add to it, modify it or tweak it provided certain guidelines are followed, as determined by the licensing agreement it is distributed under. (ie copyrights disclosures etc.)

I'm new to the php-nuke community and a new member of codezwiz. When I take on a project I do a LOT of research before I invest a penny or even "my two cents worth" as you put it. I am trying to create site to raise money to start a youth ranch for kids in trouble or youth in crisis situation. As such I have very specific needs for scripts, modules, blocks and add-ons. Many of the solutions I've found are more expensive than the $15 your having problems with. If the $15 is a hardship on you then I can certainly understand where you are coming from. I myself am blind and live off disability income which as you can imagine is not very much. But when I am ready for scripts I'll donate.

As mcuh as I would like it, I won't expect a carpenter to build a house for a dozen kids for free, why shoud I expect programmers to give their work away?

Just remember, YOU are FREE to create your own scripts!

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#4   re: An opinon from a open source frame of mind..
CZ Wiz
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$15 for a months worth of downloads is a drop in the bucket compared to alot of paid scripts out there. To be honest I don't think coders charge enough for their work anyway...some of these scripts take a bit of time to develop, and Telli is doing all or most of the coding for the CZ scripts himself...don't you think one should be rewarded for his time? (even though Telli didn't want it to come to this) As stated above...we were free for the longest time, it takes only one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel.
My two coppers worth...

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