failed to open stream error with avatar uploading

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#1   failed to open stream error with avatar uploading
CZ Newbie
saethone has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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while i'm sure this has been answered before, the search for "failed to open stream avatar" and similar subjects resulted in some 1200+ results lol, and unfortunatly it wasn't at the top (that i could find), so this should be an easy one :P

here is the error, first:

Warning: copy(./modules/Forums/images/avatars/1841485392427339aa212b4.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/saethone/public_html/hellcrynuke/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 232

i get this error when trying to upload an avatar

here is the code from my usercp_avatar.php

*                             usercp_avatar.php
*                            -------------------
*   begin                : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
*   copyright            : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
*   email                : [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]
*   $Id: usercp_avatar.php,v 2004/07/11 16:46:20 acydburn Exp $

*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.
if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
        die("Hacking attempt");

function check_image_type(&$type, &$error, &$error_msg)
        global $lang;

        switch( $type )
                case 'jpeg':
                case 'pjpeg':
                case 'jpg':
                        return '.jpg';
                case 'gif':
                        return '.gif';
                case 'png':
                        return '.png';
                        $error = true;
                        $error_msg = (!empty($error_msg)) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $lang['Avatar_filetype'] : $lang['Avatar_filetype'];

        return false;

function user_avatar_delete($avatar_type, $avatar_file)
        global $board_config, $userdata;

        if ( $avatar_type == USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD && $avatar_file != '' )
                if ( @file_exists(@phpbb_realpath('./' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $avatar_file)) )
                        @unlink('./' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $avatar_file);

        return ", user_avatar = '', user_avatar_type = " . USER_AVATAR_NONE;

function user_avatar_gallery($mode, &$error, &$error_msg, $avatar_filename)
        global $board_config;
        if ( file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $avatar_filename)) && ($mode == 'editprofile') )
                $return = ", user_avatar = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $avatar_filename) . "', user_avatar_type = " . USER_AVATAR_GALLERY;
                $return = '';
        return $return;

function user_avatar_url($mode, &$error, &$error_msg, $avatar_filename)
        if ( !preg_match('#^(http)|(ftp):\/\/#i', $avatar_filename) )
                $avatar_filename = 'http://' . $avatar_filename;

         if ( !preg_match("#^((ht|f)tp://)([^ \?&=\#\"\n\r\t<]*?(\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png))$)#is", $avatar_filename) )
                $error = true;
                $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $lang['Wrong_remote_avatar_format'] : $lang['Wrong_remote_avatar_format'];

        return ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? ", user_avatar = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $avatar_filename) . "', user_avatar_type = " . USER_AVATAR_REMOTE : '';


function user_avatar_upload($mode, $avatar_mode, &$current_avatar, &$current_type, &$error, &$error_msg, $avatar_filename, $avatar_realname, $avatar_filesize, $avatar_filetype)
        global $board_config, $db, $lang;

        $ini_val = ( @phpversion() >= '4.0.0' ) ? 'ini_get' : 'get_cfg_var';

        if ( $avatar_mode == 'remote' && preg_match('/^(http:\/\/)?([\w\-\.]+)\:?([0-9]*)\/(.*)$/', $avatar_filename, $url_ary) )
                if ( empty($url_ary[4]) )
                        $error = true;
                        $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $lang['Incomplete_URL'] : $lang['Incomplete_URL'];

                $base_get = '/' . $url_ary[4];
                $port = ( !empty($url_ary[3]) ) ? $url_ary[3] : 80;

                if ( !($fsock = @fsockopen($url_ary[2], $port, $errno, $errstr)) )
                        $error = true;
                        $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $lang['No_connection_URL'] : $lang['No_connection_URL'];

                @fputs($fsock, "GET $base_get HTTP/1.1\r\n");
                @fputs($fsock, "HOST: " . $url_ary[2] . "\r\n");
                @fputs($fsock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

                while( !@feof($fsock) )
                        $avatar_data .= @fread($fsock, $board_config['avatar_filesize']);

                if (!preg_match('#Content-Length\: ([0-9]+)[^ /][\s]+#i', $avatar_data, $file_data1) || !preg_match('#Content-Type\: image/[x\-]*([a-z]+)[\s]+#i', $avatar_data, $file_data2))
                        $error = true;
                        $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $lang['File_no_data'] : $lang['File_no_data'];

                $avatar_filesize = $file_data1[1];
                $avatar_filetype = $file_data2[1];

                if ( !$error && $avatar_filesize > 0 && $avatar_filesize < $board_config['avatar_filesize'] )
                        $avatar_data = substr($avatar_data, strlen($avatar_data) - $avatar_filesize, $avatar_filesize);

                        $tmp_path = ( !@$ini_val('safe_mode') ) ? '/tmp' : './' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/tmp';
                        $tmp_filename = tempnam($tmp_path, uniqid(rand()) . '-');

                        $fptr = @fopen($tmp_filename, 'wb');
                        $bytes_written = @fwrite($fptr, $avatar_data, $avatar_filesize);

                        if ( $bytes_written != $avatar_filesize )
                                message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not write avatar file to local storage. Please contact the board administrator with this message', '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

                        list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($tmp_filename);
                        $l_avatar_size = sprintf($lang['Avatar_filesize'], round($board_config['avatar_filesize'] / 1024));

                        $error = true;
                        $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $l_avatar_size : $l_avatar_size;
        else if ( ( file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($avatar_filename)) ) && preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i', $avatar_realname) )
                if ( $avatar_filesize <= $board_config['avatar_filesize'] && $avatar_filesize > 0 )
                        preg_match('#image\/[x\-]*([a-z]+)#', $avatar_filetype, $avatar_filetype);
                        $avatar_filetype = $avatar_filetype[1];
                        $l_avatar_size = sprintf($lang['Avatar_filesize'], round($board_config['avatar_filesize'] / 1024));

                        $error = true;
                        $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $l_avatar_size : $l_avatar_size;

                list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($avatar_filename);

        if ( !($imgtype = check_image_type($avatar_filetype, $error, $error_msg)) )

        if ( $width <= $board_config['avatar_max_width'] && $height <= $board_config['avatar_max_height'] )
                $new_filename = uniqid(rand()) . $imgtype;

                if ( $mode == 'editprofile' && $current_type == USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD && $current_avatar != '' )
                        if ( file_exists(@phpbb_realpath('./' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $current_avatar)) )
                                @unlink('./' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $current_avatar);

                if( $avatar_mode == 'remote' )
                        @copy($tmp_filename, './' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/$new_filename");
                        if ( @$ini_val('open_basedir') != '' )
                                if ( @phpversion() < '4.0.3' )
                                        message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'open_basedir is set and your PHP version does not allow move_uploaded_file', '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

                                $move_file = 'move_uploaded_file';
                                $move_file = 'copy';

                        $move_file($avatar_filename, './' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/$new_filename");

                @chmod('./' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . "/$new_filename", 0777);

                $avatar_sql = ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? ", user_avatar = '$new_filename', user_avatar_type = " . USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD : "'$new_filename', " . USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD;
                $l_avatar_size = sprintf($lang['Avatar_imagesize'], $board_config['avatar_max_width'], $board_config['avatar_max_height']);

                $error = true;
                $error_msg = ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? $error_msg . '<br />' . $l_avatar_size : $l_avatar_size;

        return $avatar_sql;

function display_avatar_gallery($mode, &$category, &$user_id, &$email, &$current_email, &$coppa, &$username, &$email, &$new_password, &$cur_password, &$password_confirm, &$icq, &$aim, &$msn, &$yim, &$website, &$location, &$occupation, &$interests, &$custom_title, &$signature, &$viewemail, &$notifypm, &$popup_pm, &$notifyreply, &$attachsig, &$allowhtml, &$allowbbcode, &$allowsmilies, &$hideonline, &$style, &$language, &$timezone, &$dateformat, &$session_id)
        global $board_config, $db, $template, $lang, $images, $theme;
        global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

        $dir = @opendir($board_config['avatar_gallery_path']);

        $avatar_images = array();
        while( $file = @readdir($dir) )
                if( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_file($board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $file) && !is_link($board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $file) )
                        $sub_dir = @opendir($board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $file);

                        $avatar_row_count = 0;
                        $avatar_col_count = 0;
                        while( $sub_file = @readdir($sub_dir) )
                                if( preg_match('/(\.gif$|\.png$|\.jpg|\.jpeg)$/is', $sub_file) )
                                        $avatar_images[$file][$avatar_row_count][$avatar_col_count] = $file . '/' . $sub_file;
                                        $avatar_name[$file][$avatar_row_count][$avatar_col_count] = ucfirst(str_replace("_", " ", preg_replace('/^(.*)\..*$/', '\1', $sub_file)));

                                        if( $avatar_col_count == 5 )
                                                $avatar_col_count = 0;



        if( empty($category) )
                list($category, ) = each($avatar_images);

        $s_categories = '<select name="avatarcategory">';
        while( list($key) = each($avatar_images) )
                $selected = ( $key == $category ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                if( count($avatar_images[$key]) )
                        $s_categories .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . ucfirst($key) . '</option>';
        $s_categories .= '</select>';

        $s_colspan = 0;
        for($i = 0; $i < count($avatar_images[$category]); $i++)
                $template->assign_block_vars("avatar_row", array());

                $s_colspan = max($s_colspan, count($avatar_images[$category][$i]));

                for($j = 0; $j < count($avatar_images[$category][$i]); $j++)
                        $template->assign_block_vars('avatar_row.avatar_column', array(
                                "AVATAR_IMAGE" => $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $avatar_images[$category][$i][$j],
                                "AVATAR_NAME" => $avatar_name[$category][$i][$j])

                        $template->assign_block_vars('avatar_row.avatar_option_column', array(
                                "S_OPTIONS_AVATAR" => $avatar_images[$category][$i][$j])

        $params = array('coppa', 'user_id', 'username', 'email', 'current_email', 'cur_password', 'new_password', 'password_confirm', 'icq', 'aim', 'msn', 'yim', 'website', 'location', 'occupation', 'interests',
'custom_title', 'signature', 'viewemail', 'notifypm', 'popup_pm', 'notifyreply', 'attachsig', 'allowhtml', 'allowbbcode', 'allowsmilies', 'hideonline', 'style', 'language', 'timezone', 'dateformat');

        $s_hidden_vars = '<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="' . $session_id . '" /><input type="hidden" name="agreed" value="true" />';

        for($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
                $s_hidden_vars .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $params[$i] . '" value="' . str_replace('"', '&quot;', $$params[$i]) . '" />';

                'L_AVATAR_GALLERY' => $lang['Avatar_gallery'],
                'L_SELECT_AVATAR' => $lang['Select_avatar'],
                'L_RETURN_PROFILE' => $lang['Return_profile'],
                'L_CATEGORY' => $lang['Select_category'],

                'S_CATEGORY_SELECT' => $s_categories,
                'S_COLSPAN' => $s_colspan,
                'S_PROFILE_ACTION' => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=$mode"),
                'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_vars)



running nuke 7.5

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