How to increase the font size just in the forums

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#1   How to increase the font size just in the forums
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gamefowlworld has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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I cant find the JS script for this. All I want to do is increase the font sixe for peoples post only. I have some older readers that are complaining.

Any help? Thanks

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#2   re: How to increase the font size just in the forums
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Look inside your themes folder for a forums.css file. It should be something like themes/THEME_NAME/forums/forums.css. Once you have the file, you'll need to look for a class named "postbody". It will look something like this:

.postbody { font-size : 12px;}

Change the font-sixe to whatever you want.

You'll need to do this for every theme you have installed.

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#3   re: How to increase the font size just in the forums
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gamefowlworld has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Thank you very very much Kely

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#4   re: How to increase the font size just in the forums
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gamefowlworld has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Well heck there is no forums.css file in my theme. I am using the vtech2 theme for platinum.

The only .csss files there are

that is just for block alignment and no place for text size.

Any other sugestions?

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#5   re: How to increase the font size just in the forums
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Without having the theme in front of me, it's hard to tell you exactly what to do. Here are some other things you might try:

Look in the themes/vtech2 folder for a styles folder. There may be a .css file in there.

Look in overall_header.tpl and see if you see a line similar to this:

link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/vtech2/styles.css" type="text/css"

That may give you an indication of where the stylesheet is located.

Look in overall_header.tpl and see if you see a line similar to this:

.postbody { font-size : 12px; line-height: 17px}

If none of that works, zip up the template file and attach it here, or leave me a link to download it and I'll take a look through it.

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