help building a regular expression to validate a date field

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#1   help building a regular expression to validate a date field
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mearnheart has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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I need help creating a regular expression to validate a date field in a form.
The actuall call to validate the form is working fine, I just can not seem to get the regular expression correct. I know JACK about RegExp's.

valid date form: YYYY-MM-DD
example: 2004-09-29

Here is what I have

    alert("Please indicate valid Issue Date!")
    return false
    var reg = /\d(4)-\d(2)-\d(2)/
      alert("This IS a valid date!")
      return true
      alert("This IS NOT a valid date!")
      return false


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#2   re: help building a regular expression to validate a date fi
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Hi Mearnheart

How about ...

var objRegExp = /^\d{4}(\-)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}/

Breaking it down...

/ : the opening and closing tag to string

^\d{4} : that the string begin with four digits

(\-) : that following the four digits there is an "-"

\d{1,2} : the next portion of string will be one to two digits

\1 : that there is another occurance of the string value to the left that is in parenthesized

\d{1,2} : the next portion of string will be one to two digits

/ : the opening and closing tag to string

As for the script its self how about...

var IssuDate = document.form1.issue_date
var objRegExp = /^\d{4}(\-)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}/

if(!objRegExp.test(IssuDate.value)) {
    alert("Please indicate valid Issue Date!")
    return false
   alert("This IS a valid date!")
   return true

NOTE: The pattern and script you have here will ONLY states what the string consist of character and format wise and does not validate whether the date its self is valid

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#3   (resolved) help building a regular expression ....
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mearnheart has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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thank you very much, worked wonderfully....


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