Review: Codezwiz members and staff will help you from how to get a nice left side on your league page, php nuke, html, graphics and many more things. Codezwiz has loads of users and is one of the most helpful sites I've visited for help with my coding problems. I hope they stay around for a long time to come. I often forget to visit the site and there are always new members helping out the old ones. Codezwiz is in my opinion the biggest coding help site around. I dont often see it advertised around the web and other forum sites but if people are asking for html help I point them in this direction. The nuke themes that the staff here produce ARE AWESOME!! I havent payed for one but I've seen them on other sites and they look really good. If you need help just post in the appropriate forum and your question will sure to be answered!!
I rate this site 10 out of 10!!!!
Added: November 22nd 2005
Reviewer: xxl_martin_lxx
Hits: 4052

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