Review: I have coming to your site for a while now and find the information here excellant. I have only had only one time I was not able to find the information that I needed. As far as the site itself is concerned I have to say I liked the prior site better overall. While the content is still the same I seem to have a lot more difficulty finding the thing I look for most. I have not always been big on the narrow sites comapared to the full screen sites but it looks ok. I think that the navigation is the worst part of the site all in all. The site seems to have turned more t the commercial side then for the user. I still feel that the site is an excellant place for resources and will continue to support it. I will have to learn where everything is and I will be fine in the long run.
Added: February 20th 2006
Reviewer: pairlink
Hits: 4589

 Ratings:  (10 Highest - 1 Lowest)
Ease of use when navigating Codezwiz. Rating: 2  
Quality of our content. Rating: 9  
Where do you rate Codezwiz among similar sites? Rating: 10  
How likely are you to refer friends and colleagues to Codezwiz? Rating: 8  

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