Review: Codezwiz is a great place for the beginner or a professional. I would highly recomend this site to anyone who has a website to create, maintain or learn to set up and run.

Codezwiz has helped me tremendously, I knew nothing at all about codes, database, web administration, php, mysql or configuring. I signed on with a friend that knew some but wasn't that great at teaching, so I didn't have to start from scratch but Codezwiz sure help to open my eyes to understanding more about all of these.

Why just this afternoon I had a new area added into my site that was just a great accomplishment for me, I was so pround that I sent it out to everyone I knew.
My sister loved it so much as is just as lost as I was back when I first bought a computer and barely knew more than to turn it on, she now thinks I am a pro and a Web Developer. She is wanting her very own website for the place she works.

The Company nor my sister have the time to develope or maintain a web site, so I may be on to something here, I could learn a little more and start my own web site business. Now just two weeks ago I would never have dreamed I could.

I thank Codezwiz for this site, it has been of great help to me and daved me many a headache. Devoted fan, Lisa
Added: February 23rd 2006
Reviewer: Lisa
Hits: 4112

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