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Giveaways Universal (Regular)

Item Name:Giveaways Universal (Regular)  
File Size:0.00 Bytes
File Type:  (Zip file)

Item description:

There is no raffle system out there that can compete with Giveaways. It runs an internal Raffle/Drawing system that can be initiated by the admin or automatically. It emails the winners and also produces the link to the prize for them to claim. Lots and lots of checks for multiple entries. Very easy to use interface. You can can set it to let you upload the images and prizes or just enter the URL to them.
Options include:
- Set maximum amount of days they can receive the prize.
- Set maximum amount of times they can receive the prize.
- Set maximum amount of times they can enter per prize.
- Set maximum amount of users that can enter per prize.
- Set number of winners per prize.
- Run in auto mode or when administration wants to run it.
- Database archiver for archiving the winners.
- Universal! Will work on any Nuke Version above 6.5.
- Single Site License
plus a whole lot more :-)

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