Giving Away 6 Full Websites with Domain Names  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

:GetRdoneSites:has really gone off the deepend this time. Were giving away 6 websites this time. Every year about this time we have our annual giveaway's. Our last year's winner is still with us to show its not joke and how good our servers are.
But this year, we've gone MAD, MAD, MAD and GIVING away six(6) full websites, along with a FREE DOMAIN NAME to go with them........all this just for registering for free at a site and then clicking on a button to enter the drawing.
:Website GiveAway's Here:
Also for the entire month of May, anyone wanting to purchase a website hosting plan for a
team, clan, or online game......were going to offer you $2 OFF any website hosting package.
And yes you still get the FREE domain name to go with it.
Here to Visit

To register for the giveaways or take advantage of the gamers specials going on.

Good Luck



Article submitted by: DAMIAN
Last Update: 05-06-2006
Category: Announcements

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