has moved to  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Since public release of All-Themez last month we have dramatically improved many aspects of the site.  We have now moved from to So we are asking everyone to update their bookmarks. The .tk will stay up for another month or so until we can get everything switched over to the .com. We have also had some new Staff members join the team. On that account we are now taking your graphics requests. We will do Custom Logos, Signatures, Avatars or anything else you might need. We ask that you request them in the forums under the Graphics Request section. We have deveploed a great crew of Forum Administrators to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to ask or share your ideas. I am still looking for Programmers, Web Designers, and another Graphic Designer. If you feel you can fill one of these positions we ask that you fill out the Staff Application located on the top left of the site, in the Navigation Menu.  If you have any questions feel free to Email me at Smokey @

Article submitted by: Ktkjr8
Last Update: 04-18-2004
Category: Announcements

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