Translate Block  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

A while back I became tired of the way PHPNuke translated it's sites, and was looking around for an easier way to translate my sites. I went into Google and saw they had numerous translations for your sites, and your whole web site could be translated, including your news, forum topics, and just about everything on your site, except the text in images.

After a little trial and error I created a drop down Translate block that included German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. The cool thing about this translate block is the site STAYS translated as long as you stay within the site. If you go to the forums, news, downloads, whatever, the site is always automatically translated to the language you chose. The only way to change the site back is to change it in the Translate block.

Since google now has Japanese, Chinese (Simplified) and Korean in the BETA stages, I thought it would be nice to add these languages in the BETA stage to the Translate block.

You can see what the block looks like by going HERE

You can download the translate block HERE. Registration is required.

Article submitted by: Dauthus
Last Update: 11-26-2004
Category: PHP Nuke Blocks

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Re: Translate Block

By: Nobbi @ 10:39:27 : 11-27-2004

Does Translate Block only works with internet Explorer?

Re: Translate Block

By: Dauthus @ 15:56:08 : 11-27-2004

It shouldn't. I have used it with firefox with no problems.

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