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Do you want to offer e-greeting card service similar to or If the answer is "yes" then @CardMAX is your solution. @CardMAX is a complete postcard script with many solid features such as: My Account, Address Book, Upload Photo, Calendar, Email Reminder, My Favorites, Card History. Birthday Alert, Member sign up - sign in - sign out. Play Flash, Java Applet, Unique Skin background, Smilies, Midi, Real Audio, Windows Media Audio, and Poem. Voice Recorder allows senders to record their voice and send an ecard with their voice message with it. Auto thumbnails, HTML templates, and multiple languages. Powerful Admin Control Panel to manage categories. It can integrate with or" YOU CAN GET THE SCRIPT FROM [ ]Duyuru: eCardMax 2004 Full Version Recep bildirdi: " yada gibi sitelere ozeniyosunuz ve sizde bu siteler gibi bir e-kart sitesi kurmak mı istiyorsunuz, iste cozumunuz, eCardMax.2004.Full Scripting Ozellikleri Kisisel Hesap Yonetimi (Uyelik) , Adres Defteri , Resim Yukleme , Calendar, Email hatırlatma, Favorilerim , Card History. Birthday Alert , Uye Giris Cıkıs. Flash, Java Apletlerini Calıstırma, Unique Skin background, Smilies, Midi, Real Audio, Windows Media Audio, ve Siir Ekleme . Ses Kayıt, Uyelere Sesli KArt gonderimi . Auto thumbnails, HTML templates, Coklu Dil Destegi . Powerful Admin Control Panel to manage categories. It can integrate with or Dosyaya Buradan Erisebilirsniz Do you want to offer e-greeting card service similar to or If the answer is "yes" then @CardMAX is your solution. @CardMAX is a complete postcard script with many solid features such as: My Account, Address Book, Upload Photo, Calendar, Email Reminder, My Favorites, Card History. Birthday Alert, Member sign up - sign in - sign out. Play Flash, Java Applet, Unique Skin background, Smilies, Midi, Real Audio, Windows Media Audio, and Poem. Voice Recorder allows senders to record their voice and send an ecard with their voice message with it. Auto thumbnails, HTML templates, and multiple languages. Powerful Admin Control Panel to manage categories. It can integrate with or"

Article submitted by: Rkaraca
Last Update: 05-20-2005
Category: Announcements

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