UNITED-NUKE - Revolution of the web!

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It is well-known fact for a long time, that PHP-Nuke is not very debugged and secure CMS. So three years ago we started development of the new free and open source alternative to PHP-Nuke. After three years of intensive development UNITED-NUKE project is very excited to announce new and first international version of our system: 4.2ms2 Beta. UNITED-NUKE is completely rewritten secure and exceptionally very fast CMS system with excellent compatibility of PHP-Nuke add-ons (including blocks, modules and themes).

You can read more or go to http://united-nuke.openland.cz/ for download (no registration required).What are the other benefits?

- up to 10x faster than PHP-Nuke (for example: story with 30 comments rendered by PHP-Nuke 7.8 needs 313 SQL queries, UNITED-NUKE for the same page needs 136 SQL queries. Another example: homepage rendered with PHP-Nuke 7.8 needs 112 SQL queries, UNITED-NUKE needs for the same page only 64 optimized queries)
- full PHP-Nuke compatibility for blocks, modules...
- new secured authorization (MD5 hash of password can not be used - like in PHP-Nuke - for succesfull login anymore)
- SLUFU (update system similar to MS Windows Update)
- automatic DB update service (if you are upgrading from previous version)
- notifications by emails for comments
- phpBB 2.0.16
- new eXtensible theme engine (compatible with PHP-Nuke)
- due to complete rewritting of PHP-Nuke's code we have fixed over 1000 bugs (over 100 fixes we already posted to PHP-Nuke Patched project)
- full W3C HTML 4.01 support!
- 24/7 support for updated versions fixing reported bugs
- better international support (e.g. for emails)
- english, czech and slovak localization available
- actually all features of PHP-Nuke 7.8 are ported into the system (we continue to port the features of PHP-Nuke). Also, UNITED-NUKE does not contain famous PHP-Nukes WYSIWYG Editor security holes.
- many new API's (WYSIWYG Editors for example, international support and more)
- RSS 0.91, 0.92, 2.0 and Atom export
- require PHP as an Apache module

UNITED-NUKE is very widespread CMS system on Czech Internet and websites. Now you have big chance to get this system too! Good luck!

Go to http://united-nuke.openland.cz/ for download (no registration required).

Upgrade scripts from PHP-Nuke and more informations such as detail bechmarks of very high speed will be available with announcement of the final version 4.2.00ms2. Stay tuned :-)

Article submitted by: IRAY
Last Update: 07-06-2005
Category: Announcements

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