Two more blocks for Multiheadlines - RSS Aggregator - module  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

Cheers nukers,
I want to anounce that I've done two more blocks for Multiheadlines module.
One is a scrolling type and the second is a marquee type.
The content of each block is filled up with RSS news[link + title and a short description] coming from Multiheadlines module categories[from your database].

You can see both at

For those who don't know about this module: Multiheadlines module is a php-nuke addon that allows you and your users to read RSS/RDF news directlly on your site [it is working with RSS/RDF feeds].
RSS news can viewed by coresponding title, link and a short description that came throught RSS chanels from diferrents RSS URLs.

On admin side it have a lot of options that makes it easy for you to set how the RSS news will look on your site [number of news, number of columns for news to be showned, categories, and many more....(General Settings, RSS/RDF URL Management, Category/sub-category Management, Multiheadlines Block Management, Database Operations, Statistics and Infos, Prune system)].RSS news are retained on your database for a quicker load of you website; this module have a prune system where you can set when should be emptyed the database [by time or by number of RSS news. You might as well to keep RSS news in your database for unlimited period of time/number of news].

Websites where the RSS news come from are well represented on Multiheadlines module [Name of the site, small logo, direct link] so there is no doubt about the source of informations.

Also it have a statistics section to help you managing this module optimized [RSS/RDF news being grabbed from other sites you can set the refreshing time for RSS news (amoung many other things)].
The whole process of refreshing RSS news is automated, you don't have to do nothing for this.

Another usefull thing is that the RSS news are organized in categories, as user you can browse a specific category, submit an interesting RSS URL or you can search by keywords in RSS news database.

You can download the module and the two blocks from

Article submitted by: Aikon
Last Update: 10-27-2005
Category: PHP Nuke Blocks

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