phpBB 2.0.19 is in town

By Acyd Burn PhpBB Development Team Leader
phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.19, the "we wish you all a happy new year" release. This release addresses several bugfixes and some security issues only affecting Internet Explorer. Additionally we introduced a new feature to limit the number of logins. The admin is able to configure this feature on two ways, defining the number of maximum allowed logins and setting a time period after the user is allowed to login again. With this feature we hope to address the recent dictionary attacks happening on some forums to crack user passwords.
* Full Package
Contains entire phpBB2 source and English language package
* Changed Files Only
Contains only those files changed from previous versions of phpBB. Please note this archive contains changed files for each previous release
* Patch Files
Contains patch compatible patches from the previous versions of phpBB.
* Code Changes
Contains step-by-step instructions in MOD format for updating heavily MODified installs
Select whichever package is most suitable for you.
Please ensure you read the INSTALL and README documents in docs/ before proceeding with installation or updates!.
It is important that you carry out both parts of the update - updating the files and running the database update script - for updates to be complete.
What has changed in this release?
The changelog (contained within this release) is as follows:
* [Fix] corrected index on session keys table under MS SQL
* [Fix] added session keys table to backup
* [Fix] delete session keys entries when deleting user
* [Fix] changes to support MySQL 5.0
* [Fix] changes to some of the admin files to improve efficiency and remove a potential error condition when building the menu
* [Fix] change truncation of username length in usercp_register.php - BFUK
* [Fix] incorrect path to avatars in admin_users.php (Bug #667)
* [Fix] fixed get_userdata to support correct sql escaping (non-mysql dbs) - jarnaez
* [Fix] fixed captcha for those not having the zlib extension enabled
* [Change] Placed version information above who is online in admin panel for better visual presence
* [Sec] fixed XSS issue (only valid for Internet Explorer) within the url bbcode
* [Sec] fixed XSS issue (only valid for Internet Explorer) if html tags are allowed and enabled
* [Sec] added configurable maximum login attempts to prevent dictionary attacks
Just a reminder:
*If you are using phpbb forums standalone at your site you can download and use it HERE
*If you are using php nuke you cannot use this version you need it to be ported for php nuke ( BBtoNuke2019 ) so keep watching NukeResources for grab your copy
Btw Happy new years everyone
Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 12-30-2005
Category: Announcements
phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.19, the "we wish you all a happy new year" release. This release addresses several bugfixes and some security issues only affecting Internet Explorer. Additionally we introduced a new feature to limit the number of logins. The admin is able to configure this feature on two ways, defining the number of maximum allowed logins and setting a time period after the user is allowed to login again. With this feature we hope to address the recent dictionary attacks happening on some forums to crack user passwords.
* Full Package
Contains entire phpBB2 source and English language package
* Changed Files Only
Contains only those files changed from previous versions of phpBB. Please note this archive contains changed files for each previous release
* Patch Files
Contains patch compatible patches from the previous versions of phpBB.
* Code Changes
Contains step-by-step instructions in MOD format for updating heavily MODified installs
Select whichever package is most suitable for you.
Please ensure you read the INSTALL and README documents in docs/ before proceeding with installation or updates!.
It is important that you carry out both parts of the update - updating the files and running the database update script - for updates to be complete.
What has changed in this release?
The changelog (contained within this release) is as follows:
* [Fix] corrected index on session keys table under MS SQL
* [Fix] added session keys table to backup
* [Fix] delete session keys entries when deleting user
* [Fix] changes to support MySQL 5.0
* [Fix] changes to some of the admin files to improve efficiency and remove a potential error condition when building the menu
* [Fix] change truncation of username length in usercp_register.php - BFUK
* [Fix] incorrect path to avatars in admin_users.php (Bug #667)
* [Fix] fixed get_userdata to support correct sql escaping (non-mysql dbs) - jarnaez
* [Fix] fixed captcha for those not having the zlib extension enabled
* [Change] Placed version information above who is online in admin panel for better visual presence
* [Sec] fixed XSS issue (only valid for Internet Explorer) within the url bbcode
* [Sec] fixed XSS issue (only valid for Internet Explorer) if html tags are allowed and enabled
* [Sec] added configurable maximum login attempts to prevent dictionary attacks
Just a reminder:
*If you are using phpbb forums standalone at your site you can download and use it HERE
*If you are using php nuke you cannot use this version you need it to be ported for php nuke ( BBtoNuke2019 ) so keep watching NukeResources for grab your copy
Btw Happy new years everyone

Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 12-30-2005
Category: Announcements
Current rating: 5.33 by 54 users
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