how do i create pages in php nuke?

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#1   how do i create pages in php nuke?
CZ Super Newbie
cybershot has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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Hello everyone. I am very new to php and i am designing my very first website. I am using several tools to do this. I have a page question. i am makeing a mapping website. I am a gamer and i build maps and mods for the game call of duty 2. so i am building a site that will have tutorials and video tutorials on how to do alot of this stuff. my question is this.
I have a link on the main page called tutorials, when you click that, it opens up another page in the same window that lists several different tuts. So i got the very first one to display ok, but i am confused as to how to get the rest to display. the page that lists all the tuts in called index.php , then i created a folder next to that called tuts and inside that is another index.php that will display the first tut. how do i get another page to display the second tut without creating another folder with another index.php? can it be done something like this... something.
I think of a module as a page. is that accurate?

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IF your writing it in PHP then you can use an if statement and keep all the tuts in one page.

if (isset($_GET['page']) AND $_GET['page'] == '2') {
     //Page 2 tut here
} elseif (isset($_GET['page']) AND $_GET['page'] == '3') {
     //Page 3 tut here
} elseif (isset($_GET['page']) AND $_GET['page'] == '4') {
     //Page 4 tut here
} else {
     //Default tut 1

Then use the link to pass the variable tut.php?page=2

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#3   re: how do i create pages in php nuke?
CZ Super Newbie
cybershot has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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I tried to get that script you posted to work, but i cannot. i seem to be having better luck with this line [ Register or login to view links on this board. ]

from what i was reading. your suppose to beable to call up the file that way. but i keep getting this error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/wwwasp/public_html/aspx/modules/modding_tutorials/tut1/tut1.php on line 557
any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated
so i have a folder called modding_tutorials and in that is the index.php that will hold all the links. it's the menu i am trying to build. but what i want is to have a folder in there labeled tut1. and in it will be about 15 files. tut1 tut2 tut3. then i will make the links in the index. but i can't figure it out.

Here is the index.php file
#### Generated by Module Creator - By Disipal site ( ####
if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
   die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$index = 1;
$pagetitle = "- "._mod_tutorials."";
echo "<font size=36><center><b>modding Tutorials</b></center></font><br><hr>";

echo"this tutorial will show you how to add a weapon to a menu. <br>";
echo "<FONT style=\"font-size:13px\" color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\"><A href=\"\">modding 101</A></FONT><br><br>";



and here is the tut file. i kept getting an error on line 557 wich is the last line.
#### Generated by Module Creator - By Disipal site ( ####
if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
   die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$index = 0;
echo"echo \"<p>Beginners Guide to Modding: 2 - Add a Weapon to a Team Menu"
  . ""
  . "One of the most requested mods I know is the one to add an unscoped bolt-action rifle to the American team. "
  . "This is a very easy tutorial on how to do it, and I will show you how to add the Lee Enfield (but it could be any of the bolt-action rifles)..... "
  . "to the american team, and then to create a button on the team menu.. "
  . "so that you can select it. "
  . ""
  . "I hop that it will introduce you to the ‘basics’ of menu modifications. These general principles can hopefully be used in more advanced projects later... "
  . "in your modding life."
  . ""
  . "Precaching"
  . ""
  . "Precaching is at the heart of much modding. It is basically loading something into a server’s memory as the server is ‘formed’ (called compiling). "
  . "This makes it ready to be used at some stage in the server’s life."
  . ""
  . "Without precaching into memory, an element that you might want to use will not be available to you. In this case, if you don’t precache the weapon,... "
  . "the server cannot ‘give’ the weapon to.... "
  . "the American team, even though you have a button to choose it, because the weapon has not been loaded into memory as the server and gametype was formed."
  . ""
  . "So, to add the Enfield, you will need the gsc file _weapons.gsc which can be found in iw_07.iwd in the nested folder structure: maps\\mp\\gametypes."
  . ""
  . "Open the file with something like programmers notepad (referenced above in ‘Resources’)."
  . ""
  . "Now, scroll down until you find this section of the script:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "init()"
  . "{"
  . "switch(game[\"allies\"])"
  . "{"
  . "case \"american\":"
  . "precacheItem(\"frag_grenade_american_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"smoke_grenade_american_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"colt_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"m1carbine_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"m1garand_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"thompson_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"bar_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"springfield_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"greasegun_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"shotgun_mp\");"
  . "//precacheItem(\"30cal_mp\");"
  . "//precacheItem(\"M9_Bazooka\");"
  . "break;     "
  . "These are known as ‘case’ definitions. Everything in COD2 has to be defined meticulously. "
  . "Many errors in modding and scripting come from not defining what you want the game to do. "
  . "Here, we see each weapon defined, and the script tells the game to ‘load’ each weapon definition into memory: precaching."
  . ""
  . "You will also see that it refers to each weapon definition. For example, ‘thompson_mp’, ‘greasegun_mp’, etc. "
  . "These ‘_mp’ case definitions refer to the vital weapons files located in iw_13.iwd in the nested folder structure weapons\\mp."
  . ""
  . "These weapons files don’t have a ‘proper’ name, and are generally refered to as the ‘weapons files’, but Daffy refers to them as ‘weap def’ files,... "
  . "and I think that is a good term for them."
  . ""
  . "The weap def files are the ‘nerve centre’ for all the weapons information. "
  . "They contain all the information that the game needs to reference the specified weapon: the name of the actual weapon, ammo count, the animation models... "
  . "to be used, the time it takes to raise the..... "
  . "weapon to the eye, the sound to be used when fired, etc, etc."
  . ""
  . "Now, you need to find the Enfield weapon information in the British team, and we are going to copy it over to the American team. So copy this:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "precacheItem(\"enfield_mp\");     "
  . "Paste it into the American team ‘case’:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "case \"american\":"
  . "precacheItem(\"frag_grenade_american_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"smoke_grenade_american_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"colt_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"m1carbine_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"enfield_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"m1garand_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"thompson_mp\");precacheItem(\"bar_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"springfield_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"greasegun_mp\");"
  . "precacheItem(\"shotgun_mp\");"
  . "//precacheItem(\"30cal_mp\");"
  . "//precacheItem(\"M9_Bazooka\");"
  . "break;     "
  . "As you can see, the enfield weapon info is now precached, that is, ‘given’, to the American team."
  . ""
  . "That’s it! Because of the way COD2 is written, you don’t need to do anymore on the ‘giving to’ a team. "
  . "Unlike COD1 and UO, which had more complex entries to make, it thankfully keeps things nice and simple."
  . ""
  . "Adding to Menu"
  . ""
  . "Now we need to allow the American team the ability to choose what we have precached to them. So, we need to add the weapon to the team menu."
  . ""
  . "Go to iw_06.iwd and open it in winrar, and you will see the nested folder structure: ui_mp/scriptmenus. "
  . "In there you will find the file. "
  . "You will also need the file, because you will need to copy and paste the enfield info in a moment. "
  . "Drag them both out and onto your desktop."
  . ""
  . "Open the file with programmers notepad."
  . ""
  . "Right at the top, you will see this:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "#include \"ui_mp/menudef.h\""
  . ""
  . "#define ORIGIN_TITLE 48 64"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE1 80 84"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE2 80 108"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE3 80 132"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE4 80 156"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE5 80 180"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE6 80 204"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE7 80 228"
  . ""
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONIMAGE 296 84"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONTEXT 296 220"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONACCURACY 395 277"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONDAMAGE 395 301"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONMOBILITY 395 325"
  . "#define ORIGIN_GRENADESLOT1 296 144"
  . "#define ORIGIN_GRENADESLOT2 312 144"
  . "#define ORIGIN_GRENADESLOT3 328 144     "
  . "As we will be adding an extra button, we need to define it (remember what I said about everything being defined? "
  . "This is just such one of those instances)."
  . ""
  . "So we need to script the definition:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE8 80 254     "
  . "You will see that I have highlighted the numbers. As we are adding, we need to tell the game to add an extra ‘space’. "
  . "This is easily worked out. If you compare the numbers in the choice slots, there is a difference of 28 between the largest of the numbers. "
  . "The number for choice 7 is 80 228, so we make choice 8 28 more: 80 254."
  . ""
  . "Add this to the ‘choice’ info:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "#include \"ui_mp/menudef.h\""
  . ""
  . "#define ORIGIN_TITLE 48 64"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE1 80 84"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE2 80 108"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE3 80 132"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE4 80 156"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE5 80 180"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE6 80 204"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE7 80 228"
  . "#define ORIGIN_CHOICE8 80 254"
  . ""
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONIMAGE 296 84"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONTEXT 296 220"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONACCURACY 395 277"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONDAMAGE 395 301"
  . "#define ORIGIN_WEAPONMOBILITY 395 325"
  . "#define ORIGIN_GRENADESLOT1 296 144"
  . "#define ORIGIN_GRENADESLOT2 312 144"
  . "#define ORIGIN_GRENADESLOT3 328 144     "
  . "Now that we have defined the slot, or space, we need to add the enfield weapon info itself."
  . ""
  . "Open the file."
  . ""
  . "Locate this info:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_enfield\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE2"
  . "text \"@MPUI_2_LEEENFIELD\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_enfield\""
  . "showDvar { \"1\" }"
  . "action"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_click\";"
  . "scriptMenuResponse \"enfield_mp\";"
  . "}"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide sten_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide bren_info;"
  . "hide enfieldsniper_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show enfield_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_enfield\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE2"
  . "text \"@MPUI_2_LEEENFIELD\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_enfield\""
  . "showDvar { \"2\" }"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide sten_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide bren_info;"
  . "hide enfieldsniper_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show enfield_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}     "
  . "Copy it, and then open the file again. Scroll right down until you reach the very last of the weapon options (the BAR):"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_bar\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE7"
  . "text \"@MPUI_7_BAR\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_bar\""
  . "showDvar { \"1\" }"
  . "action"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_click\";"
  . "scriptMenuResponse \"bar_mp\";"
  . "}"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide greasegun_info;"
  . "hide m1carbine_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide springfield_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show bar_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_bar\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE7"
  . "text \"@MPUI_7_BAR\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_bar\""
  . "showDvar { \"2\" }"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide greasegun_info;"
  . "hide m1carbine_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide springfield_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show bar_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . ""
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "#include \"ui_mp/\""
  . ""
  . "action"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_click\";"
  . "close ingame;"
  . "open main;"
  . "}"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "}"
  . "}     "
  . "We will need to paste in the enfield info that we just copied.:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_bar\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE7"
  . "text \"@MPUI_7_BAR\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_bar\""
  . "showDvar { \"1\" }"
  . "action"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_click\";"
  . "scriptMenuResponse \"bar_mp\";"
  . "}"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide greasegun_info;"
  . "hide m1carbine_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide springfield_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show bar_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_bar\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE7"
  . "text \"@MPUI_7_BAR\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_bar\""
  . "showDvar { \"2\" }"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide greasegun_info;"
  . "hide m1carbine_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide springfield_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show bar_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_enfield\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE2"
  . "text \"@MPUI_2_LEEENFIELD\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_enfield\""
  . "showDvar { \"1\" }"
  . "action"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_click\";"
  . "scriptMenuResponse \"enfield_mp\";"
  . "}"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide sten_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide bren_info;"
  . "hide enfieldsniper_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show enfield_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "name \"button_enfield\""
  . "visible 1"
  . "rect 0 0 128 24"
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE2"
  . "text \"@MPUI_2_LEEENFIELD\""
  . "textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL"
  . "textscale GLOBAL_TEXT_SIZE"
  . "textaligny 20"
  . "dvartest \"ui_allow_enfield\""
  . "showDvar { \"2\" }"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "hide sten_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide bren_info;"
  . "hide enfieldsniper_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show enfield_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;"
  . "}"
  . "}"
  . ""
  . "itemDef "
  . "{"
  . "#include \"ui_mp/\""
  . ""
  . "action"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_click\";"
  . "close ingame;"
  . "open main;"
  . "}"
  . "onFocus"
  . "{"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "}"
  . "}     "
  . "We now need to edit the info to make it compatable with the American menu. So, firstly, change the slot position info:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "origin ORIGIN_CHOICE8"
  . ""
  . "text \"@8. Lee Enfield\"     "
  . "There are 2 places to do this, so remember to edit the second one as well."
  . ""
  . "Now change the weapon info details from the british to the American."
  . ""
  . "From this:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "hide sten_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide bren_info;"
  . "hide enfieldsniper_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show enfield_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;     "
  . "To this:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "hide greasegun_info;"
  . "hide m1carbine_info;"
  . "hide m1garand_info;"
  . "hide thompson_info;"
  . "hide springfield_info;"
  . "hide shotgun_info;"
  . "hide bar_info;"
  . "play \"mouse_over\";"
  . "show enfield_info;"
  . "show weapon_propertiestext;     "
  . "You will need to go up through each of the american weapon selections details, and add in this:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "hide enfield_info;     "
  . "If you don’t do this, the enfield image and information will be seen under another weapn image. "
  . "This basically tells the server not to show it when another weapon image is showing. So, do it in all the right places."
  . ""
  . "Now go to the file again and locate the image information, and copy it:"
  . ""
  . "Quote: "
  . " "
  . "-------------snip--------------------"
  . ""
  . "itemDef"
  . "{"
  . "name \"enfield_info\""
  . "visible 0"
  . "rect 0 -2 224 112"
  . "background \"weapon_enfield\""
  . "decoration"
  . "}     "
  . "Paste that into the file. It can go anywhere next to the other american weapons info."
  . ""
  . "Finishing Of"
  . ""
  . "The mod is about ready. So, all we need to do is pack it up right."
  . ""
  . "Go to your desktop, and create a set of nested folders: maps\\mp\\gametypes"
  . ""
  . "Place the _weapons.gsc file in the ‘gametypes’ folder."
  . ""
  . "Now create a set of nested folders: ui_mp\\scriptmenus"
  . ""
  . "Place the edited file in the scriptmenu folder."
  . ""
  . "Now open Pakscape (see dl info above under ‘Resources’). "
  . ""
  . "Click 'File' > 'new'. Place your files and folders on the white area, then go to 'File' > 'Save as ...'"
  . ""
  . "You will see that it defaults to the .zip format. "
  . "Leave that as is, and where it says 'File name', type in your name, something like zzz_mymod, but then add the .iwd extension - so, zzz_mymod.iwd. "
  . "Now, when you save it, it will pop out as an IWD file."
  . ""
  . "Place the IWD file in your COD2 ‘main’ folder, and start up a New Server."
  . ""
  . "-Sgthaarde <p/>\";"
  . " "
  . ""
  . ";


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Sorry for the delay...

You dont need to make those page (tut1, tut2) in php you can leave them as they are. You can use the include() function to call them into the index.php.

You can call them by:


Then if your index.php of the module use the if statements to include the page:

if (isset($_GET['tutorial']) AND file_exists('modules/Tutorials/'.$_GET['tutorial'].'.html') {

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#5   re: how do i create pages in php nuke?
CZ Super Newbie
cybershot has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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that's ok for the delay. thanks for takeing the time to respond. Unfortunatly i am just beginning at this and all that code you put up is to confusing to work with. i am not that literate in the programming field. I will study it and maybe in three or four months i will find a way to make it work. thanks.

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Pack up what you have so far and I will see if I can make a few to show you how it would work.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#7   re: how do i create pages in php nuke?
CZ Super Newbie
cybershot has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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here is my index

#### Generated by Module Creator - By Disipal site ( ####
if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
   die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$index = 0;
echo"this tutorial will take you through the steps to make a loading bar for your custom map<br>";
echo "<FONT style=\"font-size:13px\" color=\"#000000\" face=\"Arial\"><A href=\"HTTP://\">Getting a lodscreen for Cod 2</A></FONT>";



and here is my tut

#### Generated by Module Creator - By Disipal site ( ####
if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
   die ("You can't access this file directly...");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$index = 0;
echo"This information was found from multyple sources. i got it from the cod2extreme website. it is also found on iwnation<br><br> "
  . "<br><br>"
  . "Below are the steps you should follow to getting your loadbar to work.<br><br>"
  . "1. Place your custom map in the \"main\" folder and start up a new server. Exit map.<br><br> "
  . ""
  . "2. Look inside the \"main\" folder and you will see a hunkusage.dat file. Copy it and paste it on the desktop.<br><br> "
  . ""
  . "3. Open it with notepad. Right at the end of the list will be your map. Delete all the other stuff, leaving just your map details.<br><br> "
  . ""
  . "4. Place this edited hunkusage.dat file into your custom map. the loadbar will now show. <br><br>"
  . ""
  . ""
  . "Thank you<br> "
  . "{ASP}CyberShot";


What i wanted to do was make a menu out of the first index above. then have links on the page that you could click and open up a page off of the link. but if i have a category on the menu, then i wold need several pages to be available . I can only figure out how to get the one. and that is what is above..


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What i wanted you to do was attach your tut file that you havnt edited yet. I want to see one like it is. You shouldnt have to change them into php. Please attach 1 tut file in its original form.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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#9   re: how do i create pages in php nuke?
CZ Super Newbie
cybershot has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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ok, sorry about that. i will try to attach the attachment. i have never done that in a forum, so this should be interesting

Attached Files
adding_weapons.txt (13.99 KB, Downloaded: 5235 Time(s))

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#10   re: how do i create pages in php nuke?
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OK here is one for you to use. You can pretty it up if you like.

Just put all your tutorials in the modules/Modding_Tutorials/tutorials/ folder.

The menu will automatically detect them and add them to it. The name that shows up in the menu is the name of the tutorial txt file. So if your tutorial text file is named adding_weapons.txt the name in the menu will be Adding Weapons.

All the tutorial files bust be in .txt format or we will have to make a few adjustments to it..

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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